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X509_cmp_time, X509_cmp_current_time, X509_time_adj, X509_time_adj_ex - X509 time functions


 int X509_cmp_time(const ASN1_TIME *asn1_time, time_t *in_tm);
 int X509_cmp_current_time(const ASN1_TIME *asn1_time);
 ASN1_TIME *X509_time_adj(ASN1_TIME *asn1_time, long offset_sec, time_t *in_tm);
 ASN1_TIME *X509_time_adj_ex(ASN1_TIME *asn1_time, int offset_day, long
                             offset_sec, time_t *in_tm);


X509_cmp_time() compares the ASN1_TIME in asn1_time with the time in <cmp_time>. X509_cmp_current_time() compares the ASN1_TIME in asn1_time with the current time, expressed as time_t. asn1_time must satisfy the ASN1_TIME format mandated by RFC 5280, i.e., its format must be either YYMMDDHHMMSSZ or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ.

X509_time_adj_ex() sets the ASN1_TIME structure asn1_time to the time offset_day and offset_sec after in_tm.

X509_time_adj() sets the ASN1_TIME structure asn1_time to the time offset_sec after in_tm. This method can only handle second offsets up to the capacity of long, so the newer X509_time_adj_ex() API should be preferred.

In both methods, if asn1_time is NULL, a new ASN1_TIME structure is allocated and returned.

In all methods, if in_tm is NULL, the current time, expressed as time_t, is used.


Unlike many standard comparison functions, X509_cmp_time() and X509_cmp_current_time() return 0 on error.


X509_cmp_time() and X509_cmp_current_time() return -1 if asn1_time is earlier than, or equal to, cmp_time (resp. current time), and 1 otherwise. These methods return 0 on error.

X509_time_adj() and X509_time_adj_ex() return a pointer to the updated ASN1_TIME structure, and NULL on error.


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