‰PNG  IHDR @ @ ªiqÞ pHYs   šœ —tEXtComment Build PECL Package doPackage pi Z Do not gzip the package file n Print the name of the packaged file. [descfile] Creates a PECL package from its package2.xml file. An automatic conversion will be made to a package.xml 1.0 and written out to disk in the current directory as "package.xml". Note that only simple package.xml 2.0 will be converted. package.xml 2.0 with: - dependency types other than required/optional PECL package/ext/php/pearinstaller - more than one extsrcrelease or zendextsrcrelease - zendextbinrelease, extbinrelease, phprelease, or bundle release type - dependency groups - ignore tags in release filelist - tasks other than replace - custom roles will cause pickle to fail, and output an error message. If your package2.xml uses any of these features, you are best off using PEAR_PackageFileManager to generate both package.xml.