‰PNG  IHDR @ @ ªiqÞ pHYs   Å¡Å“ —tEXtComment | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helper.inc'; /** * @access private */ class BasicGraph extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { var $_graph = null; function test_create_graph() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(); $this->assertTrue(is_a($this->_graph, 'Structures_Graph')); } function test_add_node() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(); $data = 1; $node = new Structures_Graph_Node($data); $this->_graph->addNode($node); $node = new Structures_Graph_Node($data); $this->_graph->addNode($node); $node = new Structures_Graph_Node($data); $this->_graph->addNode($node); } function test_connect_node() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(); $data = 1; $node1 = new Structures_Graph_Node($data); $node2 = new Structures_Graph_Node($data); $this->_graph->addNode($node1); $this->_graph->addNode($node2); $node1->connectTo($node2); $node =& $this->_graph->getNodes(); $node =& $node[0]; $node = $node->getNeighbours(); $node =& $node[0]; /* ZE1 == and === operators fail on $node,$node2 because of the recursion introduced by the _graph field in the Node object. So, we'll use the stupid method for reference testing */ $node = true; $this->assertTrue($node2); $node = false; $this->assertFalse($node2); } function test_data_references() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(); $data = 1; $node = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $node->setData($data); $this->_graph->addNode($node); $data = 2; $dataInNode =& $this->_graph->getNodes(); $dataInNode =& $dataInNode[0]; $dataInNode =& $dataInNode->getData(); $this->assertEquals($data, $dataInNode); } function test_metadata_references() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(); $data = 1; $node = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $node->setMetadata('5', $data); $data = 2; $dataInNode =& $node->getMetadata('5'); $this->assertEquals($data, $dataInNode); } function test_metadata_key_exists() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(); $data = 1; $node = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $node->setMetadata('5', $data); $this->assertTrue($node->metadataKeyExists('5')); $this->assertFalse($node->metadataKeyExists('1')); } function test_directed_degree() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(true); $node = array(); $node[] = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $node[] = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $node[] = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $this->_graph->addNode($node[0]); $this->_graph->addNode($node[1]); $this->_graph->addNode($node[2]); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[0]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 0 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[1]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 1 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 2 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[0]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 0 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[1]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 1 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 2 with 0 arcs'); $node[0]->connectTo($node[1]); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[0]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 0 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[1]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 1 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 2 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[0]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 0 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[1]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 1 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 2 with 1 arc'); $node[0]->connectTo($node[2]); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[0]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 0 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[1]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 1 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[2]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 2 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(2, $node[0]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 0 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[1]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 1 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 2 with 2 arcs'); } function test_undirected_degree() { $this->_graph = new Structures_Graph(false); $node = array(); $node[] = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $node[] = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $node[] = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $this->_graph->addNode($node[0]); $this->_graph->addNode($node[1]); $this->_graph->addNode($node[2]); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[0]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 0 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[1]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 1 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 2 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[0]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 0 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[1]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 1 with 0 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 2 with 0 arcs'); $node[0]->connectTo($node[1]); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[0]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 0 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[1]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 1 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 2 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[0]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 0 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[1]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 1 with 1 arc'); $this->assertEquals(0, $node[2]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 2 with 1 arc'); $node[0]->connectTo($node[2]); $this->assertEquals(2, $node[0]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 0 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[1]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 1 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[2]->inDegree(), 'inDegree test failed for node 2 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(2, $node[0]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 0 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[1]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 1 with 2 arcs'); $this->assertEquals(1, $node[2]->outDegree(), 'outDegree test failed for node 2 with 2 arcs'); } } ?>