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title: %s =Netscape folder cache = 8@MAJYOXLD4(Q4) picture =%!VMFSunClock's Vector Map Format data =U{\pwdPocket Word document or templateapplication/x-pocket-wordpwd/psw/pwt=.]rtf-info@=++^[[:space:]]*(class|module)[[:space:]][A-Z]= (modul|includ)e [A-Z]|def [a-z]=&!^[[:space:]]*end([[:space:]]+[;#].*)?$Ruby script texttext/x-ruby =mMAP (Old EZD Electron Density Map = @=órlSereal data packet, UTF-8 encodedapplication/sereal=."sereal =QTRdHP/UX nettl capture file ="X 495SoftQuad troff Context intermediate for AT&T 495 laser printer =PSDBPanasonic channel list DataBasedb/bin=~SQLite format 3x); contains =csnoopSnoop capture file>d- version %d= e(IEEE 802.3)= f(IEEE 802.4)= g(IEEE 802.5)= h(IEEE 802.6)= i(Ethernet)= j(HDLC)= k(Character synchronous)= l(IBM channel-to-channel adapter)= m(FDDI)= n (Other)= o (type %d)= p (type %d)= q (type %d)= r (type %d)= s(type %d)= t(type %d)= u(Fibre Channel)= v(ATM)= w(ATM Classical IP)= x(type %d)= y(type %d)= z(type %d)= {(type %d)= |(type %d)= 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Corel Terminal resource data= .+Corel Terminal resource datax /x 0Corel Terminal: Unknown filetype %d=2= 3 Corel loadable file= 4 Corel GUI loadable text= 5 Corel graphics resource data= 6 Corel printer settings file= 7Corel port definition file= 8Corel print queue parameters= 9Corel compressed filex :x ;Corel loadable file: Unknown filetype %d=<, optimized for Intel==, optimized for Non-Intel=?= @ Corel Network service msg file= A Corel Network service msg file= B Corel Async gateway login msg= CCorel GroupWise message filex Dx ECorel Network service: Unknown filetype %d=G= HGroupWise admin domain database= IGroupWise admin host database= JGroupWise admin remote host database= KGroupWise admin ADS deferment data filex Lx MGroupWise: Unknown filetype %d=S = T Corel Writing Tools User Word Listapplication/x-wordperfect-wordlistuwl/hwl/sav x [=^[Pax`(...%-.33s...)! b, at %#x document areax d, %u bytes=f!= g IntelliTAG (SGML) compiled DTDx hx iIntelliTAG: Unknown filetype %d=m"= n Corel WordPerfect dictionary adviseapplication/x-wordperfect-advadvx w(...%-.33s...)xyxzUnknown Corel/Wordperfect product %d,x {file type %d= |, v5.! }, v%d.x ~%d(== .PageMaker(== .^PageMaker ='=(fUXilinx RAW bitstream (.BIN) =YARA>  < YARA 3.x compiled rule setx/ = created with version 3.3.0=created with version 3.4.0= created with version 3.5.0xxdevelopment version %#02x=rPK=. zzipcd> ~0, %s = RISC OS Chunk data= OBJ_, AOF object= LIB_, ALF library = RISC OS AIF executable =DrawRISC OS Draw file data =6GlulGlulx game datax7(Version %dx8.%dx9.%d)=$:InfoCompiled by Informapplication/x-glulx =!hlsAllegro datafile (packed) =.hlsAllegro datafile (not packed/autodetect) = +hlsAllegro datafile (appended exe data) = AmigaOS shared library = AmigaOS loadseg()ble executable/binary = AmigaOS object/library data =FC14Future Composer 1.4 Module sound file =SMODFuture Composer 1.3 Module sound file ="ARP.The Holy Noise Module sound file =dAmigaOS outline tag =RDSKRigid Disk Blockxon %.24s =KICKKickstart disk =.KEYAmigaDOS script =.keyAmigaDOS script =AmSpAMOS Basic sprite bankx, %d sprites =AmIcAMOS Basic icon bankx, %d icons =AmBkAMOS Basic memory bankx, bank number %dx, length %d= .{8}, type %s =AmBsAMOS Basic memory banksx, %d banks = :&Android sparse imagex , version: %dx .%dx , Total of %dx %d-byte output blocks inx  %d input chunks. = Android binary XML = ıAndroid cryptfs footerx , version: %dx .%d =vdexAndroid vdex file,>000verifier deps version: %s,>000dex section version: %s,> number of dex files: %d,> verifier deps size: %d =wdexAndroid vdex file, being processed by dex2oat,>000verifier deps version: %s,>000dex section version: %s,> number of dex files: %d,> verifier deps size: %d = MOVISilicon Graphics movie filevideo/x-sgi-movie = moovApple QuickTimevideo/quicktime= mvhd movie (fast start)= mdra URL= cmov movie (fast start, compressed header)= rmra multiple URLs =mdatApple QuickTime movie (unoptimized)video/quicktime =idscApple QuickTime image (fast start)image/x-quicktime =pckgApple QuickTime compressed archiveapplication/x-quicktime-player =%ftypISO Media='XAVC, MPEG v4 system, Sony XAVC Codecx`(, Audio "%.4s"xv)at %dHzx*, Video "%.4s"x+%dx,x%d=-3g2, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP2video/3gpp2= / v4 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)= 0 v5 (H.263/AMR GSM 6.10)= 1 v6 (ITU H.264/AMR GSM 6.10)= 4a C.S0050-0 V1.0= 5b C.S0050-0-A V1.0.0= 6c C.S0050-0-B V1.0=73ge, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= 9, Release %d MBMS Extended Presentations= :, Release %d MBMS Extended Presentations= ; , Release %d MBMS Extended Presentations=<3gf, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP= = , Release %d File-delivery profile=>3gg, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= @, Release %d General Profile= A , Release %d General Profile=B3gh, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= D , Release %d Adaptive Streaming Profile=E3gm, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= G , Release %d Media Segment Profile=H3gp, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= J, Release %d (non existent)= K, Release %d (non existent)= L, Release %d (non existent)= M, Release %d= N, Release %d= O, Release %d= P, Release %d Streaming Servers=Q3gr, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= S, Release %d Progressive Download Profile= T , Release %d Progressive Download Profile=U3gs, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= W, Release %d Streaming Servers= X, Release %d Streaming Servers= Y , Release %d Streaming Servers=Z3gt, MPEG v4 system, 3GPPvideo/3gpp= \, Release %d Media Stream Recording Profile= ] , Release %d Media Stream Recording Profile=^ARRI, MPEG v4 system, ARRI Digital Cameravideo/mp4=`avc1, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP JVT AVC [ISO 14496-12:2005]video/mp4=bbbxm, Blinkbox Master File: H.264 video/16-bit LE LPCM audiovideo/mp4=dqt, Apple QuickTime movievideo/quicktime=fCAEP, Canon Digital Camera=gcaqv, Casio Digital Camera=hCDes, Convergent Design=icaaa, CMAF Media Profile - AAC Adaptive Audio=jcaac, CMAF Media Profile - AAC Core=kcaqv, Casio Digital Camera Casio=lccea, CMAF Supplemental Data - CEA-608/708=mccff, Common container file format=ncfhd, CMAF Media Profile - AVC HD=ocfsd, CMAF Media Profile - AVC SD=pchd1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HDR10=qchdf, CMAF Media Profile - AVC HDHF=rchhd, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HHD8=schh1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HHD10=tclg1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC HLG10=ucmfc, CMAF Track Format=vcmff, CMAF Fragment Format=wcmfl, CMAF Chunk Format=xcmfs, CMAF Segment Format=ycud1, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC UHD10=zcud8, CMAF Media Profile - HEVC UHD8={cwvt, CMAF Media Profile - WebVTT=|da0a, DMB MAF w/ MPEG Layer II aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG=}da0b, DMB MAF, ext DA0A, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=~da1a, DMB MAF audio with ER-BSAC audio, JPG/PNG/MNG images=da1b, DMB MAF, ext da1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=da2a, DMB MAF aud w/ HE-AAC v2 aud, MOT slides, DLS, JPG/PNG/MNG=da2b, DMB MAF, ext da2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=da3a, DMB MAF aud with HE-AAC aud, JPG/PNG/MNG images=da3b, DMB MAF, ext da3a w/ BIFS, 3GPP, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=dash, MPEG v4 system, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTPvideo/mp4=dby1, MP4 files with Dolby content=dsms, Media Segment DASH conformant=dts1, MP4 track file with audio codecs dtsc dtsh or dtse=dts2, MP4 track file with audio codec dtsx=dts3, MP4 track file with audio codec dtsy=dxo$20, DxO ONE camera=dmb1, DMB MAF supporting all the components defined in the spec=dmpf, Digital Media Project=drc1, Dirac (wavelet compression), encap in ISO base media (MP4)=dv1a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, ER-BSAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=dv1b, DMB MAF, ext dv1a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=dv2a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC v2 aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=dv2b, DMB MAF, ext dv2a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=dv3a, DMB MAF vid w/ AVC vid, HE-AAC aud, BIFS, JPG/PNG/MNG, TS=dv3b, DMB MAF, ext dv3a, with 3GPP timed text, DID, TVA, REL, IPMP=dvr1, DVB (.DVB) over RTPvideo/vnd.dvb.file=dvt1, DVB (.DVB) over MPEG-2 Transport Stream=emsg, Event message box presentvideo/vnd.dvb.file=F4V, Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4V)video/mp4=F4P, Protected Video for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4P)video/mp4=F4A, Audio for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4A)audio/mp4=F4B, Audio Book for Adobe Flash Player 9+ (.F4B)audio/mp4=ifrm, Apple iFrame Specification, Version 8.1 Jan 2013=im1i, CMAF Media Profile - IMSC1 Image=im1t, CMAF Media Profile - IMSC1 Text=isc2, ISMACryp 2.0 Encrypted File=iso, MP4 Base Mediavideo/mp4mp4= mv1 [ISO 14496-12:2003]= 2v2 [ISO 14496-12:2005]= 4v4= 5v5 = 6v6 =isml, MP4 Base Media v2 [ISO 14496-12:2005]video/mp4=J2P0, JPEG2000 Profile 0=J2P1, JPEG2000 Profile 1=jp2, JPEG 2000image/jp2=JP2, JPEG 2000 Image (.JP2) [ISO 15444-1 ?]image/jp2=JP20, Unknown, from GPAC samples (prob non-existent)=jpm, JPEG 2000 Compound Image (.JPM) [ISO 15444-6]image/jpm=jpsi, The JPSearch data interchange format=jpx, JPEG 2000 w/ extensions (.JPX) [ISO 15444-2]image/jpx=KDDI, 3GPP2 EZmovie for KDDI 3G cellphonesvideo/3gpp2=LCAG, Leica digital camera=lmsg, Last Media Segment indicator for ISO base media file format.=M4A, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4A) Audioaudio/x-m4a=M4B, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4B) Audio Bookaudio/mp4=M4P, Apple iTunes ALAC/AAC-LC (.M4P) AES Protected Audiovideo/mp4=M4V, Apple iTunes Video (.M4V) Videovideo/x-m4v=M4VH, Apple TV (.M4V)video/x-m4v=M4VP, Apple iPhone (.M4V)video/x-m4v=mj2s, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] Simple Profilevideo/mj2=mjp2, Motion JPEG 2000 [ISO 15444-3] General Profile=MFSM, Media File for Samsung video Metadata=MGSV, Sony Home and Mobile Multimedia Platform (HMMP)video/mj2=mmp4, MPEG-4/3GPP Mobile Profile (.MP4 / .3GP) (for NTT)video/mp4=mobi, MPEG-4, MOBI formatvideo/mp4=mp21, MPEG-21 [ISO/IEC 21000-9]=mp41, MP4 v1 [ISO 14496-1:ch13]video/mp4=mp42, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]video/mp4=mp71, MP4 w/ MPEG-7 Metadata [per ISO 14496-12]=mp7t, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 XML=mp7b, MPEG v4 system, MPEG v7 binary XML=mpuf, Compliance with the MMT Processing Unit format=msdh, Media Segment conforming to ISO base media file format.=msix, Media Segment conforming to ISO base media file format.=mmp4, MPEG v4 system, 3GPP Mobilevideo/mp4=MPPI, Photo Player, MAF [ISO/IEC 23000-3]=mqt, Sony / Mobile QuickTime (.MQV) US Pat 7,477,830video/quicktime=MSNV, MPEG-4 (.MP4) for SonyPSPaudio/mp4=NDAS, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14] Nero Digital AAC Audioaudio/mp4=NDSC, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profilevideo/mp4=NDSH, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profilevideo/mp4=NDSM, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profilevideo/mp4=NDSP, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Portable Profilevideo/mp4=NDSS, MPEG-4 (.MP4) Nero Standard Profilevideo/mp4=NDXC, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Cinema Profilevideo/mp4=NDXH, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero HDTV Profilevideo/mp4=NDXM, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Mobile Profilevideo/mp4=NDXP, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Portable Profilevideo/mp4=NDXS, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (.MP4) Nero Standard Profile=niko, Nikon Digital Cameravideo/mp4=odcf, OMA DCF DRM Format 2.0 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_0-20060303-A)=opf2, OMA PDCF DRM Format 2.1 (OMA-TS-DRM-DCF-V2_1-20070724-C)=opx2, OMA PDCF DRM + XBS ext (OMA-TS-DRM_XBS-V1_0-20070529-C)=pana, Panasonic Digital Camera=piff, Protected Interoperable File Format=pnvi]b, Panasonic Video Intercom=qt, Apple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)video/quicktime= mif1, HEIF Imageimage/heif= msf1, HEIF Image Sequenceimage/heif-sequence=heic, HEIF Image HEVC Main or Main Still Picture Profileimage/heic=heix, HEIF Image HEVC Main 10 Profileimage/heic=hevc, HEIF Image Sequenz HEVC Main or Main Still Picture Profileimage/heic-sequence=hevx, HEIF Image Sequence HEVC Main 10 Profileimage/heic-sequence=heim, HEIF Image L-HEVCimage/heif=heis, HEIF Image L-HEVCimage/heif=avic, HEIF Image AVCimage/heif=hevm, HEIF Image Sequence L-HEVCimage/heif-sequence=!hevs, HEIF Image Sequence L-HEVCimage/heif-sequence=#avcs, HEIF Image Sequence AVCimage/heif-sequence='avif, AVIF Imageimage/avif=)avis, AVIF Image Sequenceimage/avif=+risx, Representation Index Segment for MPEG-2 TS Segments=,ROSS, Ross Video=-sdv, SD Memory Card Video=.ssc1, Samsung stereo, single stream (patent pending)=/ssc2, Samsung stereo, dual stream (patent pending)=0SEAU, Sony Home and Mobile Multimedia Platform (HMMP)=1SEBK, Sony Home and Mobile Multimedia Platform (HMMP)=2senv, Video contents Sony Entertainment Network=3sims, Media Segment for Sub-Indexed Media Segment format=4sisx, Single Index Segment forindex MPEG-2 TS=5ssss, Subsegment Index Segment used to index MPEG-2 Segments=6uvvu, UltraViolet file brand for DECE Common Format =ADIFMPEG ADIF, AACaudio/x-hx-aac-adif&& , VBR^ , CBR=, single stream=, 2 streams= , 3 streams&!, 4 or more streams&", 8 or more streams&#, Copyrighted& $@, Original Source& % , Home Flag^&&', VBR^(, CBR=), single stream=*, 2 streams=+, 3 streams&,, 4 or more streams&-, 8 or more streams&.@, Original Stream(s)&/ , Home Source =DIFvideo/x-dv&(DVCPRO) movie file^(DV) movie file&(PAL)^(NTSC) =MNGMNG video data,video/x-mng!  CORRUPTED,=  x%d xx%d =JNGJNG video data,video/x-jng!  CORRUPTED,=  x%d xx%d =:NSVfNullsoft Video =?RED1REDCode Video =DAMVSMTV Multimedia File =ZFILMSega FILM/CPK Multimedia,x [%d xx\%d =aTHPNintendo THP Multimedia =fBBCDBBC Dirac Video = a.out little-endian 32-bit executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) = a.out little-endian 32-bit pure executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =  a.out little-endian 32-bit demand paged pure executable> not stripped= j(uses BSD/OS shared libs) =&a.out big-endian 32-bit executable>'not stripped =)a.out big-endian 32-bit pure executable>*not stripped =, a.out big-endian 32-bit demand paged executable>-not stripped =PAR1Apache Parquet =lAPL workspace (Ken's original?) = AppleSingle encoded Macintosh file = AppleDouble encoded Macintosh file =Z2IMGApple ][ 2IMG Disk Imagex/[=\XGS!, XGS=]CTKG, Catakig=^ShIm, Sheppy's ImageMaker=_SHEP, Sheppy's ImageMaker=`WOOF, Sweet 16=aB2TR, Bernie ][ the Rescue=b!nfc, ASIMOV2=c>BD<, Brutal Deluxe's Cadius=dCdrP, CiderPress=eVi][, Virtual ][=fPRFS, ProFUSE=gFISH, FishWings=hRVLW, Revival for Windowsxixj, Creator tag "%-4.4s"= k, DOS 3.3 sector order=l, Volume 254xm, Volume %u= n, ProDOS sector order=@p&DqxEr, Volume /%sx is, %u Blocks= t, NIB data =dApple Mechanic font =TcaffCoreAudio Format audio file<U version %dxV =[kychMac OS X Keychain File =_ Mac OS X Code Requirement=`(opExpr)xa- %d bytes =c Mac OS X Code Requirement Set>dcontaining %d itemsxe- %d bytes =g Mac OS X Code Directoryxhversion %x> iflags %#xxj- %d bytes =l Mac OS X Detached Code Signature (non-executable)xm- %d bytes =o Mac OS X Detached Code Signature>p(%d elements)xq- %d bytes = NXSBApple File System (APFS)x $ , blocksize %u = mvery old 32-bit-int little-endian archive =mvery old 32-bit-int big-endian archive = eold 32-bit-int little-endian archive= __.SYMDEFrandom library =eold 32-bit-int big-endian archive= __.SYMDEFrandom library = PDP-11 old archive = PDP-11 4.0 archive =lapl workspace =System V Release 1 ar archiveapplication/x-archive = qARC archive data, dynamic LZWapplication/x-arc = s ARC archive data, squashedapplication/x-arc = uARC archive data, uncompressedapplication/x-arc = wARC archive data, packedapplication/x-arc = yARC archive data, squeezedapplication/x-arc = {ARC archive data, crunchedapplication/x-arc = ~ PAK archive dataapplication/x-arc = ARC+ archive dataapplication/x-arc = HHYP archive dataapplication/x-arc =HPAKHPack archive data =3HFHAP archive data =MDmdMDCD archive data =LIMLIM archive data =BSABSArc archive datax version %d =PKReSOF archive data =XhDrX1 archive data = vCDC Codec archive data =SChFChArc archive data =e-H2ODRY archive data =i,AR7AR7 archive data =kPPMZPPMZ archive data =MP3MP3-Archiver archive data =OZÝZET archive data =gWARQ archive data =Terse archive data = AB2ABComp archive data =&]eInstallShield Z archive Data =2eDBTS archive data =4Ora ELI 5750 archive data =6FCQFC archive data =7QFQFC archive data ==sTaCLZS221 archive data =EIMP IMP archive data =IsSquish archive data =P0BSSBX archive data =eISc(InstallShieldapplication/x-installshield! isetup headerhdr= lCABcabx r, version %#x! t, volume_info %#x! v, offset %#x! y, descriptor size %#x =BHBlakHole archive data =BIX0BIX archive data =PPFT archive data =PPMD archive data =SMMSXiE archive data =00zyDeepFreezer archive data = %u files,=first is type CPY=first is type ASC=first is type HSC=first is type DIR=first is type SPECIAL =HPAKHPACK archive data =RE~^RAR archive data (0, v%c.>/%c>/%c> , modify: v%dx!.%d+= *ܧ,>Fextract: v%dxG.%d+ =PARPARity archive data= 0- Index file> 0- file number %d =7EET archiveapplication/x-eet =;RZIPrzip compressed datax<- version %dx=.%dx>(%d bytes) =K{dar archive,xLlabel "%.8xxM%.8xx N%.4x"=OTend slice=PNNmulti-part=QSNmulti-part, with -S = VSymbian installation fileapplication/vnd.symbian.install= Xm(EPOC release 3/4/5)= Y:(EPOC release 6) = Zz Symbian installation file (Symbian OS 9.x)x-epoc/x-sisx-app =^MPQMoPaQ (MPQ) archive =mxar!xar archiveapplication/x-xarxar/pkg/xip>s, header size %u>uversion %u,xvcompressed TOC: %llu,=yno checksum=zSHA-1 checksum={MD5 checksum=|SHA-256 checksum=}SHA-512 checksum>~unknown %#x checksum=x x xx), contains =x x xx), contains =x x xx), contains =x> x xx), contains =PAR2Parity Archive Volume Set = BB02Bacula volumex , started %s =7kStZPAQ file(=Norton GHost image=, first file=, split filexid=%#x=, no compression=, fast compression (Z1)=, medium compression (Z2)>< , compression (Z%d-1)=! , password protected!,= , sector copy=+, boot track=,, disc sector copy>"%-.254s"=`Ux); contains =Cr24Google Chrome extensionapplication/x-chrome-extensionx, version %u =-ALZALZ archive dataalz =1EGGAEGG archive data,eggx3version %ux4.%u= 5"= 6b$, split= 7`$, solidx8, unknown ==pQ9PAQ9A archive =*STAAster*x= WORDWords Document= GRAPGraphic= SPRESpreadsheet= MACRMacro = 2278Aster*x Version 2=6Words Document=5Graphic=2Spreadsheet=8Macro = .sndSun/NeXT audio data:= 8-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/basic= 8-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/basic= 16-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 24-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 32-bit linear PCM,audio/basic= 32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic= 64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/basic= Fragmented sample data,=  DSP program,=  8-bit fixed point,=  16-bit fixed point,=  24-bit fixed point,= 32-bit fixed point,= 16-bit linear with emphasis,= !16-bit linear compressed,= "16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,= #Music kit DSP commands,= $8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-adpcm= &compressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)= 'compressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),= (compressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),= )8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),=*mono,=+stereo,=,quad,>-%d Hz = 1.sdDEC audio data:= 28-bit ISDN mu-law,audio/x-dec-basic= 48-bit linear PCM [REF-PCM],audio/x-dec-basic= 616-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= 824-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= :32-bit linear PCM,audio/x-dec-basic= <32-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic= >64-bit IEEE floating point,audio/x-dec-basic= @Fragmented sample data,= A DSP program,= B 8-bit fixed point,= C 16-bit fixed point,= D 24-bit fixed point,= E32-bit fixed point,= F16-bit linear with emphasis,= G16-bit linear compressed,= H16-bit linear with emphasis and compression,= IMusic kit DSP commands,= J8-bit ISDN mu-law compressed (CCITT G.721 ADPCM voice enc.),audio/x-dec-basic= Lcompressed (8-bit CCITT G.722 ADPCM)= Mcompressed (3-bit CCITT G.723.3 ADPCM),= Ncompressed (5-bit CCITT G.723.5 ADPCM),= O8-bit A-law (CCITT G.711),= Pmono,= Qstereo,= Rquad,> S%d Hz =VMThdStandard MIDI dataaudio/midixX(format %d)x Yusing %d track> Zsx [at 1/%d> \SMPTE =^CTMFCreative Music (CMF) dataaudio/x-unknown =jKRTNMultiTrack sound dataxk- version %d =oEMODExtended MOD sound data,xpversion %dxq.%d,x-r%d instruments=Ss(module)=St(song) =war.RealAudio sound fileaudio/x-pn-realaudio =,SCRMScreamTracker III Module sound data>Title: "%s"audio/x-s3m =UN05MikMod UNI format module sound data =8M.K.4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8M!K!4-channel Protracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8FLT44-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8FLT88-channel Startracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =84CHN4-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =86CHN6-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =88CHN8-channel Fasttracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8CD818-channel Octalyser module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =8OKTA8-channel Octalyzer module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =816CN16-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =832CN32-channel Taketracker module sound dataaudio/x-mod>Title: "%s" =PSIDPlaySID v2.2+ (AMIGA) sidtune>w/ header v%d,=single song,>%d songs,>default song: %d>name: "%s">6author: "%s">Vcopyright: "%s" =RSIDRSID sidtune PlaySID compatible>w/ header v%d,=single song,>%d songs,>default song: %d>name: "%s">6author: "%s">Vcopyright: "%s" =dIRCAM file (VAX little-endian) =dIRCAM file (VAX big-endian) =dIRCAM file (Sun big-endian) = dIRCAM file (Sun little-endian) = dIRCAM file (MIPS little-endian) = dIRCAM file (MIPS big-endian) = dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) = dIRCAM file (NeXT big-endian) =dIRCAM file (NeXT little-endian) =2BITAudio Visual Research file,= mono,= stereo,x%d bits=unsigned,=signed,x%d Hz,=no loop,=loop,< note %d,=!replay 5.485 KHz="replay 8.084 KHz=#replay 10.971 KHz=$replay 16.168 KHz=%replay 21.942 KHz=&replay 32.336 KHz='replay 43.885 KHz=(replay 47.261 KHz =DNSFEExtended NES Sound File=0Eauth>F("%s">Gby %s>H, copyright %s>I, ripped by %sxJ), %d tracks,=Kdual PAL/NTSC=L=MPAL=NNTSC =ZIMPMImpulse Tracker module sound data -audio/x-mod>\"%s"! (]compatible w/ITv%x! *^created w/ITv%x =<aIM10Imago Orpheus module sound data ->b"%s" =hIMPSImpulse Tracker Sample&i16 bit^j8 bit&kstereo^lmono =mIMPIImpulse Tracker Instrument! nITv%x!o%d samples =L}SCRSScream Tracker Sample=~sample=adlib melody>adlib drum&stereo^mono&16bit little endian^8bit=unpacked=packed =MMD0MED music file, version 0 =MMD1OctaMED Pro music file, version 1 =MMD3OctaMED Soundstudio music file, version 3 =SymMSymphonie SymMOD music file =DBM0DIGI Booster Pro Module>V%X.x%02X>, "%s" =FTMNFaceTheMusic module>d, "%s" =DDMFXtracker DMF Modulexv%i> Title: "%s">+Composer: "%s" =DSMDynamic Studio Module DSM =SONGDigiTrekker DTM Module =DMDLDigiTrakker MDL Module =PSMProtracker Studio PSM Module =,PTMFPoly Tracker PTM Module>Title: "%s" =MT20MadTracker 2.0 Module MT2 =RTMMRTM Module =MMMDYamaha SMAF file =fLaCFLAC audio bitstream dataaudio/flac>, unknown version==0, 4 bit=P, 6 bit=p, 8 bit=, 12 bit=, 16 bit=p, 24 bit=, mono=, stereo=, 3 channels=, 4 channels=, 5 channels= , 6 channels= , 7 channels=, 8 channels=, 11.025 kHz=, 16 kHz= b, 22.05 kHz=, 24 kHz=, 32 kHz=@ , 44.1 kHz= , 48 kHz=, 64 kHz=, 88.2 kHz=p, 96 kHz=@, 128 kHz=+, 176.4 kHz=., 192 kHz=>, 256 kHz="V, 352.8 kHz=], 384 kHz>, >4G samples=>, %u samples=, length unknown = VBOXVBOX voice message data =RB40RBS Song file=ReBorncreated by ReBorn= %Propellerheadcreated by ReBirth =MAC Monkey's Audio compressed formataudio/x-ape>  version %d = !with fast compression = "with normal compression = # with high compression = $with extra high compression = %with insane compression= &, mono= ', stereox (, sample rate %d< )version %d= *with fast compression= +with normal compression= , with high compression= -with extra high compression= .with insane compression= /, mono= 0, stereox 1, sample rate %d =?CC2xCheeseCutter 2 song =ISAdTSurprise! Adlib TrackerxJVersion %d =LXAD!eXotic ADlib =PFMK!FM Kingtracker Song = SNDHSNDH Atari ST music =MPCKMusepack audio (MPCK)audio/x-musepack =<SONGSoundFX Module sound file =SCgfSuperCollider3 Synth Definition file,xversion %d =TTA1True Audio Lossless Audio =wvpkWavPack Lossless Audio =IBKIBK instrument data =2OPIBK instrument data, 2 operators =4OPIBK instrument data, 4 operators =2RSTMNintendo Wii BRSTM audio fileaudio/x-brstmbrstm=6=.7nintendo-wii-brstm-fields= 8=.9^nintendo-wii-brstm-fields =NCSTMNintendo 3DS BCSTM audio fileaudio/x-bcstmbcstm= R=.Snintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields=T=.U^nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields =[FSTMNintendo Wii U BFSTM audio fileaudio/x-bfstmbfstm= `=.anintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields=b=.c^nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields =tCWAVNintendo 3DS BCWAV audio fileaudio/x-bcwavbcwav= x=.ynintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields=z=.{^nintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields = DSD DSDIFF audio bitstream dataaudio/x-dffdff=FVER=x, 1 bit=PROP=SND=CHNL=, mono ==SLFTSRGT, stereox, 2 channels == SLFTSRGTLFE , 2.1 stereo= SLFTSRGTC , 3.0 stereox, 3 channels ==MLFTMRGTLS RS , 4.0 surround=SLFTSRGTC LFE , 3.1 stereox, 4 channels ==MLFTMRGTC LS RS , 5.0 surround=MLFTMRGTLFE LS RS , 4.1 surroundx, 5 channels ==MLFTMRGTC LFE LS RS , 5.1 surroundx, 6 channels>, %u channels=FS x, =DxD"DSD %u"x%u Hz=CMPR=DSD , no compression=DST , DST compressionx, unknown compressionx=DIIN>, "edited master" metadata=ID3 =ID3, ID3 version 2x.%ux.%ux, ID3 missing (or unreachable)x, unknown version =DSD DSF audio bitstream dataaudio/x-dsfdsf=fmt  = x, 1 bit= , mono= , stereo= , 3.0 stereo= , 4.0 surround= , 3.1 stereo= , 5.0 surround= , 5.1 surroundxx , %u channelsx, =  Dx D"DSD %u" x %u Hzx= , no compressionx, unknown compressionx, ID3!=ID3version 2x.%ux.%uxunreachablexmissingx, unknown version =bFLTBFLT executablex - version %d= =$ ram=$ gotpic=$ gzip=$gzdata =TBISAMtools TBI (Tabix index format)= , with %d reference sequence> , with %d reference sequences& , using half-closed-half-open coordinates (BED style)^ = , using closed and one based coordinates (GFF style)= , using SAM format= , using VCF formatx , sequence name column: %dx , region start column: %d=  x !, region end column: %dx", comment character: %cx #, skip line count: %d =+BAMSAMtools BAM (Binary Sequence Alignment/Map)> ,= -^[@]HD .*VN:, with SAM header=.[0-9.]+ version %s> /, with %d reference sequences =6BAISAMtools BAI (BAM indexing format)> 7, with %d reference sequences ==CRAMCRAM>>version %d.>?%d>@(identified as %s) =ABF Biosig/Axon Binary formatbiosig/abf2 =ATF Biosig/Axon Text formatbiosig/atf =ADU1Biosig/Axona file formatbiosig/axona =ADU2Biosig/Axona file formatbiosig/axona =!AxGrBiosig/AXG ="axgxBiosig/AXGbiosig/axg =HDEMGBiosig/DEMGbiosig/demg =WIGORBiosig/IgorPro ITX filebiosig/igorpro =gNEX1Biosig/NEXbiosig/nex1 =jPLEXBiosig/Plexon v1.0 =n'Biosig/RHD2000: Intan RHD2000 format =Biosig/Walter Graphtek =Biosig/Walter Graphtek =UUBiosig/Walter Graphtekbiosig/walter-graphtek =68k Blit mpx/mux executable =bmBirtual Machinex , version %dx , program size %ux  , memory size %ux  , memory capacity %u = i960 b.out relocatable object>not stripped = 386 compact demand paged pure executable>  not stripped= j(uses shared libs) = SPARC demand paged&<shared library=dynamically linked executable>dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped=$(uses shared libs) =SPARC pure&dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped=$(uses shared libs) =SPARC&dynamically linked executable^executable> not stripped=$!(uses shared libs) =NEKONekoVM bytecodex  (%d global symbols,x  %d global fields,x %d bytecode ops)application/x-nekovm-bytecode =MLRResilient Logic bytecodeapplication/vnd.resilient.logicx, version %dx.%d@= +< namespace=6=^namespace[[:space:]]+[_[:alpha:]]{1,30}[[:space:]]*\{C++ source texttext/x-c++@= +Z protected=[^[[:space:]]*protected:C++ source texttext/x-c++ =eAD64 Image =e AD71 Image = D(D81 Image = dACX64 Image = PSURARC archive (c64) =LBWRAptor packer (c64) =GTS5GoatTracker 2 song>, "%s">$ by %s>D (C) %s>d, %u subsong(s) =RglTFglTF binary modelx S, version %dx T, length %d bytesmodel/gltf-binaryglb =`ply PLY model,ply= bformat ascii ASCII,=c[0-9.]+version %s= dformat binarybinary,=e_little_endian little endian,=f[0-9.]+version %s= g_big_endian big endian,=h[0-9.]+version %s =t#X3DX3D (Extensible 3D) model, VRML format=uV=v[0-9.]+, version %smodel/x3d+vrmlx3dv =: JAR compressed with pack200,x;version %d.x<%dapplication/x-java-pack200 =@ JAR compressed with pack200,xAversion %d.xB%dapplication/x-java-pack200 = cisco IOS microcode> for '%s' = cisco IOS experimental microcode> for '%s'@=+ =gTCDDACT compressed data>h(version %i.>i%i.>j%i)>k, original size: %i bytes>l, block size: %i bytes = o4UValve Pak filex p, version %ux q, %u entries =SLIBSoftlib archivex , version %dx (contains %d files) =bvx-lzfse encoded, no compression =bvx1lzfse compressed, uncompressed tables =bvx2lzfse compressed, compressed tables =bvxnlzfse encoded, lzvn compressed =1NESNES ROM image (iNES)application/x-nes-rom=.3nes-rom-image-ines =6SENNES ROM image (Wii U Virtual Console)application/x-nes-rom=.8nes-rom-image-ines =fTNESNES ROM image (Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console)application/x-nes-rom=hd: FDS,=. inintendo-fds-disk-info-block!jd: TNES mapper %uxk, %ux8k PRGxl, %ux8k CHR=m[WRAM]=n [H-mirror]=o [V-mirror]=p[VRAM] =(!Sega Dreamcast VMU game image =LCDiDream Animator file =%XBEHMicrosoft Xbox executableaudio/x-xbox-executablexbe= )x *: "%.40s"x +(%cx ,%c-x -%03u)= `., all regions ! `/ > `0(regions: & `1NA & `2Japan & `3Rest_of_World & `4Manufacturer> `5)= 7 = 8= 9, not signed> : > ;> <, signed =@XIP0XIP, Microsoft Xbox data =AXTF0XTF, Microsoft Xbox data =`XEX2Microsoft Xbox 360 executableaudio/x-xbox360-executablexex=c=.dxbox-360-xex-execution-id=.xexbox-360-xex-region-code =gXEX1Microsoft Xbox 360 executable (XEX1)audio/x-xbox360-executablexex=j=.kxbox-360-xex-execution-id=.Tlxbox-360-xex-region-code =CON Microsoft Xbox 360 package (console-signed)=.xbox-360-package =LYNXLynx cartridgeapplication/x-atari-lynx-rom> , bank 0 %dk> , bank 1 %dk> , "%.32s">*, "%.16s" =BPS1BPS patch filebps =UPS1UPS patch fileups =SMVSNES9x input recordingx , version %d< x , recorded at %s> , rerecorded %d timesx , %d frames long>, data for controller(s):&#1&#2&#3&#4& #5^ , begins from snapshot& , begins from reset^ , NTSC standard& , PAL standard&, settings:< &WIP1Timing&Left+Right&VolumeEnvX&FakeMute& SyncSound> &NoCPUShutdown< > #! x , metadata: "%s"> >$, port 1:=$joypad=$ mouse=$!SuperScope=$"Justifier=$#multitap>$$, port 2:=%%joypad=%&mouse=%'SuperScope=%(Justifier=%)multitap> *C! @+x@,, metadata: "%s"&-@, ROM:x .CRC32 %#08xx /"%s" =3SCVMScummVM savegame> 4"%s" =M=3Nintendo GameCube disc image:application/x-gamecube-rom=.Onintendo-gcn-disc-common =^]Nintendo Wii disc image:=._nintendo-gcn-disc-common =WIANintendo=HGameCubeapplication/x-gamecube-rom=HWiiapplication/x-wii-romxHGameCube/WiixHdisc image (WIA format):=.Xnintendo-gcn-disc-common =RVZNintendo=HGameCubeapplication/x-gamecube-rom=HWiiapplication/x-wii-romxHGameCube/WiixHdisc image (RVZ format):=.Xnintendo-gcn-disc-common =NCCHNintendo 3DS=File Archive (CFA)=Executable Image (CXI)>P: "%.16s"=x (Old3DS System Update v=.nintendo-3ds-version-codex )=x (New3DS System Update v=.nintendo-3ds-version-codex )! ! x (v=. nintendo-3ds-version-codex )=(New3DS only) =SMDHNintendo 3DS SMDH file! x: "%.128s"! xby %.128s= ! x: "%.128s"! xby %.128s =!3DSXNintendo 3DS Homebrew Application (3DSX) =aNSO0Nintendo Switch executable (NSO) =gPFS0Nintendo Switch partition filesystem (PFS0)x h, %d files = GConvex old-style object> not stripped =KConvex old-style demand paged executable>not stripped =MConvex old-style pre-paged executable>not stripped =OConvex old-style pre-paged, non-swapped executable>not stripped =WCore file =!mdump format, 4.2 or 4.3 BSD (IDC compatible) ="ndump format, Convex Storage Manager by-reference dump ='Convex SOFF=X(c1&X)c2&X*c2mp&X+parallel&X,intrinsic&X-demand paged&X.pre-paged&X/non-swapped&X0POSIX&T2executable&T3@object=T4 not stripped=T5native fpmode=T6ieee fpmode=T7undefined fpmode =9Convex SOFF core =;Convex SOFF checkpoint=X<c1&X=c2&X>c2mp&X?parallel&X@intrinsic&XAPOSIX=TCnative fpmode=TDieee fpmode=TEundefined fpmode = oncgGCC gcno coverage (-ftest-coverage),xversion %c.x%c ="oncgGCC gcno coverage (-ftest-coverage),x#version %c.x$%c (big-endian) = )adcgGCC gcda coverage (-fprofile-arcs),x*version %c.x+%c =.adcgGCC gcda coverage (-fprofile-arcs),x/version %c.x0%c (big-endian) = 1VwpCracklib password index, little endian>(%i words)=("64-bit")> (%i words) = 1VwpCracklib password index, big endian> (%i words) = Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (LE) = Common Trace Format (CTF) trace data (BE) = WuCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (LE)x#, v%dx$.%d =WuCommon Trace Format (CTF) packetized metadata (BE)x#, v%dx$.%d =ACMPMap file for the AssaultCube FPS game =CUBEMap file for cube and cube2 engine games =TCDDACT compressed data>(version %i.>$BS%i.> $BS%i)> $BS, original size: %i bytes> $BS, block size: %i bytes = ͚WGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, 32-bitapplication/x-gdbm =ΚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, oldapplication/x-gdbm =ϚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, big endian, 64-bitapplication/x-gdbm = ͚WGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, 32-bitapplication/x-gdbm = ΚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, oldapplication/x-gdbm = ϚWGNU dbm 1.x or ndbm database, little endian, 64-bitapplication/x-gdbm =GDBMGNU dbm 2.x databaseapplication/x-gdbm =#aBerkeley DBapplication/x-dbm=%>&1.86<'1.85>((Hash, version %d, native byte-order)=)>*1.86<+1.85>,(Hash, version %d, little-endian) =.aBerkeley DB=/>01.86<11.85>2(Hash, version %d, big-endian)=3>41.86<51.85>6(Hash, version %d, native byte-order) =8b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86>9(Btree, version %d, native byte-order) =:b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86>;(Btree, version %d, big-endian) = <b1Berkeley DB 1.85/1.86> =(Btree, version %d, little-endian) = ?aBerkeley DB>@(Hash, version %d, native byte-order) = AaBerkeley DB>B(Hash, version %d, big-endian) = CaBerkeley DB> D(Hash, version %d, little-endian) = Fb1Berkeley DB>G(Btree, version %d, native byte-order) = Hb1Berkeley DB>I(Btree, version %d, big-endian) = Jb1Berkeley DB> K(Btree, version %d, little-endian) = MS"Berkeley DB>N(Queue, version %d, native byte-order) = OS"Berkeley DB>P(Queue, version %d, big-endian) = QS"Berkeley DB> R(Queue, version %d, little-endian) = U Berkeley DB>V(Log, version %d, native byte-order) = W Berkeley DB>X(Log, version %d, big-endian) = Y Berkeley DB> Z(Log, version %d, little-endian) =_@RRDRRDTool DBx`@version %s! b16bit aligned=% c/%C+[big-endianxd32bit long (m68k)= f! g32bit aligned=% h/%C+[big-endian=i64bit long!j32bit long=& k/%C+[little-endian=l64bit long!m32bit long (i386)= nC+[/%middle-endian!o32bit long (arm)=q64bit aligned=%r/%C+[big-endian=s64bit long (s390x)!t32bit long (hppa/mips/ppc/s390/SPARC)=&u/%C+[little-endian=v64bit long (alpha/amd64/ia64)!w32bit long (armel/mipsel) = |SE Linux policyx v%d= MLSx %d symbolsx %d ocons =FS21Zope Object Database File Storage v3 (data) =FS30Zope Object Database File Storage v4 (data) =ZEC3Zope Object Database Client Cache File (data) =IDA1IDA (Interactive Disassembler) database =DBPFMaxis Database Packed Filex  , version: %u.x  %ux $ , files: %u!  , created: %s!  , modified: %sapplication/x-maxis-dbpfdbpf/package/dat/sc4 =%6srrdiff network-delta data ='6srrdiff network-delta signature datax((block length=%d,x)signature strength=%d) =2X image =DSD DSD Stream File,= 0mono,= 0 stereo,= 0 three-channel,= 0 quad-channel,= 0 3.1 4-channel,= 0 five-channel,= 05.1 surround,x0x 0unknown channel format (%d),= 8+simple-rate,= 8"Vdouble-rate,x8x 8%d Hz,= <1 bit,= <8 bit,x<x <%d bit,x @%d samples =Alnew-fs dump file (big endian),= .Bnew-dump-be =Dkold-fs dump file (big endian),= .Eold-dump-be = Lkold-fs dump file (little endian),= .M^old-dump-be =PTnew-fs dump file (ufs2, big endian),= .Qufs2-dump-be = STnew-fs dump file (ufs2, little endian),= .T^ufs2-dump-be =EEBML file=d@Bx, creator %.8s =@CT T602 document data,=0Kamenicky=1CP 852= 2KOI8-CS> 2unknown encoding = 7Psion Series 5=  9font file=  :printer driver=  ;clipboard=  Bmulti-bitmap imageimage/x-epoc-mbm= japplication information file= m= }Sketch imageimage/x-epoc-sketch= ~voice note= Word fileapplication/x-epoc-word= OPL program (TextEd)application/x-epoc-opl= Comms settings= Sheet fileapplication/x-epoc-sheet= EasyFax initialisation file= sOPO moduleapplication/x-epoc-opo= tOPL applicationapplication/x-epoc-app=  exported multi-bitmap image= !m= "Comms names = $APsion Series 5 ROM multi-bitmap image = &PPsion Series 5= 'mdatabase= (Agenda fileapplication/x-epoc-agenda= *Data fileapplication/x-epoc-data= , Jotter fileapplication/x-epoc-jotter= .ini file = 0yPsion Series 5 binary:= 1DLL= 2Icomms hardware library= 3Jcomms protocol library= 4]OPX= 5lapplication= 6DLL= 7logical device driver= 8physical device driver= 9file transfer protocol= :file transfer protocol= ;@printer definition= <Aprinter definition = >zPsion Series 5 executable = 'ESRI Shapefile== = = = x  version %dxlength %d= type Null Shape= type Point= type PolyLine= type Polygon= type MultiPoint=  type PointZ=  type PolyLineZ= type PolygonZ= type MultiPointZ= type PointM= type PolyLineM= type PolygonM= type MultiPointM= type MultiPatch =PC formatted floppy with no filesystem =FATXFATX filesystem data = 6Netboot image,= = mode 2= mode 3! unknown mode =OS/2OS/2 Boot Manager(= |pxelinux loader (version 2.13 or older)(= ff`pxelinux loader(= pxelinux loader (version 3.70 or newer)(= VNTFSbin= .!ntfs-sector2(= V$NTFSbin= .'ntfs-sector2 = \%?TUnix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian),x @last mounted on %s,x Blast written at %s,x Cclean flag %d,x $ Dnumber of blocks %d,x ( Enumber of data blocks %d,x , Fnumber of cylinder groups %d,x 0 Gblock size %d,x 4 Hfragment size %d,x < Iminimum percentage of free blocks %d,x @ Jrotational delay %dms,x D Kdisk rotational speed %drps,= LTIME optimization= MSPACE optimization = \OTUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)xPlast mounted on %s,>Qvolume name %s,x0Rlast written at %s,xSclean flag %d,xTreadonly flag %d,x(Unumber of blocks %lld,x Vnumber of data blocks %lld,x 4Wnumber of cylinder groups %d,x 0Xblock size %d,x ,Yfragment size %d,x Zaverage file size %d,x [average number of files in dir %d,x\pending blocks to free %lld,x ]pending inodes to free %d,x^system-wide uuid %0llx,x $_minimum percentage of free blocks %d,= `TIME optimization= aSPACE optimization = \cTUnix Fast File system [v2] (little-endian)xdlast mounted on %s,>evolume name %s,x0flast written at %s,xgclean flag %d,xhreadonly flag %d,x(inumber of blocks %lld,x jnumber of data blocks %lld,x 4knumber of cylinder groups %d,x 0lblock size %d,x ,mfragment size %d,x naverage file size %d,x oaverage number of files in dir %d,xppending blocks to free %lld,x qpending inodes to free %d,xrsystem-wide uuid %0llx,x $sminimum percentage of free blocks %d,= tTIME optimization= uSPACE optimization =\%wTUnix Fast File system [v1] (big-endian),=xLBALApple UFS Volumexynamed %s,xzvolume label version %d,x {created on %s,x |last mounted on %s,x ~last written at %s,x clean flag %d,x$ number of blocks %d,x( number of data blocks %d,x, number of cylinder groups %d,x0 block size %d,x4 fragment size %d,x< minimum percentage of free blocks %d,x@ rotational delay %dms,xD disk rotational speed %drps,= TIME optimization= SPACE optimization =\TUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)xlast mounted on %s,>volume name %s,x 0last written at %s,xclean flag %d,xreadonly flag %d,x(number of blocks %lld,x number of data blocks %lld,x4number of cylinder groups %d,x0block size %d,x,fragment size %d,xaverage file size %d,xaverage number of files in dir %d,xpending blocks to free %lld,xpending inodes to free %d,xsystem-wide uuid %0llx,x$minimum percentage of free blocks %d,=TIME optimization=SPACE optimization =\TUnix Fast File system [v2] (big-endian)xlast mounted on %s,>volume name %s,x 0last written at %s,xclean flag %d,xreadonly flag %d,x(number of blocks %lld,x number of data blocks %lld,x4number of cylinder groups %d,x0block size %d,x,fragment size %d,xaverage file size %d,xaverage number of files in dir %d,xpending blocks to free %lld,xpending inodes to free %d,xsystem-wide uuid %0llx,x$minimum percentage of free blocks %d,=TIME optimization=SPACE optimization =  F2FS filesystemxl, UUID=%08xxp-%04xxr-%04xxt-%04xxv-%08xxz%04xx|, volume name "%s" ='A SGI disk label (volume header) =*BSFXSGI XFS filesystem datax+(blksz %d,xh,inosz %d,^d- v1 dirs)&d. v2 dirs) =2'FAtari-ST Minix kernel image= 5 , 720k floppy= 6 , 360k floppy = E=(Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endianx size %u& version #2& sorted_dirs& hole_supportx CRC %#x,x $edition %u,x ( %u blocks,x , %u files = E=(Linux Compressed ROM File System data, big endianx size %u&version #2&sorted_dirs&hole_supportx CRC %#x,x$edition %u,x(%u blocks,x,%u files =,V'u-boot legacy uImage,x -%s,=.Invalid os/=/OpenBSD/=0NetBSD/=1FreeBSD/=24.4BSD/=3Linux/=4SVR4/=5Esix/=6Solaris/=7 Irix/=8 SCO/=9 Dell/=: NCR/=; LynxOS/=<VxWorks/==pSOS/=>QNX/=?Firmware/=@RTEMS/=AARTOS/=BUnity OS/=CINTEGRITY/=DInvalid CPU,=EAlpha,=FARM,=GIntel x86,=HIA64,=IMIPS,=JMIPS 64-bit,=KPowerPC,=LIBM S390,=M SuperH,=N Sparc,=O Sparc 64-bit,=P M68K,=Q Nios-32,=RMicroBlaze,=SNios-II,=TBlackfin,=UAVR32,=VSTMicroelectronics ST200,=WSandbox architecture,=XANDES Technology NDS32,=YOpenRISC 1000,=ZARM 64-bit,=[DesignWare ARC,=\x86_64,=]Xtensa,=^RISC-V,=_Invalid Image=`Standalone Program=aOS Kernel Image=bRAMDisk Image=cMulti-File Image=dFirmware Image=eScript File=fFilesystem Image (any type)=gBinary Flat Device Tree BLOB=h(Not compressed),=i(gzip),=j(bzip2),=k(lzma),x l%d bytes,x m%s,xnLoad Address: %#08X,xoEntry Point: %#08X,xpHeader CRC: %#08X,xqData CRC: %#08X =sqshSquashfs filesystem, big endian,=.squashfs =hsqsSquashfs filesystem, little endian,= .^squashfs =1 DISODelta ISO data,x2 version %d = E bLFS filesystem image= F version 1,x G blocks %u,x H blocks per segment %u,= I version 2,x J fragments %u,x K bytes per segment %u,x L disk blocks %u,x M block size %u,x N fragment size %u,x O fragments per block %u,x P start for free list %u,x $Q number of free blocks %d,x (R number of files %u,x ,S blocks available for writing %d,x 0T inodes in cache %d,x 4U inode file disk address %#x,x 8V inode file inode number %u,x <W address of last segment written %#x,x @X address of next segment to write %#x,x DY address of current segment written %#x = 8 SCO UnixWare BFS filesystem = ; 1SFBBE/OS BFS1 filesystemx $< , byte order %dx (= , block size %dx ,> , block shift %dx0? , total blocks %lldx8@ , used blocks %lld =I NeXTNeXT version 1 disklabel=. J next =K dlV1NeXT version 2 disklabel=. L next =M dlV2NeXT version 3 disklabel=. N next = l EROFS filesystem> n , compat:& o SB_CHKSUM& p MTIMEx q , blocksize=%ux r , exslots=%ux10z , uuid=%s>@{ 0, name=%s> P| , incompat:& P} LZ4_0PADDING& P~ BIG_PCLUSTER& P CHUNKED_FILE& P DEVICE_TABLE& P ZTAILPACKING =6FLVMacromedia Flash Videovideo/x-flv =FLIFFLIF<Himage datax , %ux x%u= 1, 8-bit/color,= 2, 16-bit/color,= 1, grayscale, non-interlaced=3, RGB, non-interlaced=4, RGBA, non-interlaced=A, grayscale=C, RGB, interlaced=D, RGBA, interlaced>H, animation data<, %i framesx, %ux x%u=1, 8-bit/color=2, 16-bit/color=x, %i frames,x , %ux x%u=1, 8-bit/color=2, 16-bit/color=Q, grayscale, non-interlaced= S, RGB, non-interlaced=!T, RGBA, non-interlaced="a, grayscale=#c, RGB, interlaced=$d, RGBA, interlaced =fcpX11 Portable Compiled Font data,^ bit: LSB,& bit: MSB,^ byte: LSB first& byte: MSB first =YlibGrx font data,x %dxx %dx(%s =NOFDOS code page font data collectionfont/x-dos-cpicpi =AGEDOS code page font data =DIVDOS code page font data (from Linux?) =PFR1Portable Font Resource font data (new)>f0: %s =PFR0Portable Font Resource font data (old)>version %d =OTTOOpenType font dataapplication/vnd.ms-opentype =wOFFWeb Open Font Formatfont/woff=.woffx, version %dx.%d =wOF2Web Open Font Format (Version 2)font/woff2woff2=.woffx, version %dx.%d =. HPowerPC OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary,x/Text length: %d bytes,x0Data length: %d bytes,x 1BSS length: %d bytes,x2Symbol Table length: %d bytes,x3Entry Point: %#08X,x4Text Relocation Table length: %d bytes,x5Data Relocation Table length: %d bytes = 7MIPS OpenFirmware FORTH Dictionary,x 8Text length: %d bytes,x 9Data length: %d bytes,x :BSS length: %d bytes,x ;Symbol Table length: %d bytes,x <Entry Point: %#08X,x =Text Relocation Table length: %d bytes,x >Data Relocation Table length: %d bytes =L XcForth 32-bit Dictionary,xMSerial: %#08X,xNDictionary Start: %#08X,x ODictionary Size: %d bytes,xPUser Area Start: %#08X,xQUser Area Size: %d bytes,xREntry Point: %#08X =/ R=Sdynamically linked executable=Texecutable> Unot stripped = WFreeBSD/i386 pure< X&Yshared library=Z@PIC object=[object> \=]dynamically linked executable=^executable> _not stripped = a FreeBSD/i386 demand paged< b&cshared library=d@PIC object=eobject> f=gdynamically linked executable=hexecutable> inot stripped = kFreeBSD/i386 compact demand paged< l&mshared library=n@PIC object=oobject> p=qdynamically linked executable=rexecutable> snot stripped = iHDLld.so hints file (Little Endian> , version %d)<) =iHDLld.so hints file (Big Endian>, version %d)<) =IDP2Quake II 3D Model file,x %u skin(s),x (%u xx %u),x( %u frame(s),x Frame size %u bytes,x%u vertices/frame,x%u texture coordinates,x %u triangles/frame =IBSPQuake=&II Map file (BSP)=.III Map file (BSP) =IDS2Quake II SP2 sprite file =IWADdoom main IWAD datax containing %d lumps =PWADdoom patch PWAD datax containing %d lumps =HM3WWarcraft III map file = )*Unreal Engine Package,x *version: %i! +, names: %i! ,, imports: %i! -, exports: %i =;CIV6Sid Meier's Civilization VI saved game =?f Syzygy DTZ tablebaseapplication/syzygy =Aq#]Syzygy WDL tablebaseapplication/syzygy(= kKGTA1 map layout (CMP),=lLevel 1=mLevel 2=nLevel 3 =oGBMPGTA2/GBH map layout (GMP),x pversion %d(= v"GTA1 style data (GRX), 8 bit editor graphics(= wEGTA1 style data (GRY), 8 bit in-game graphics(= xPGTA1 style data (G24), 24 bit in-game graphics =yGBSTGTA2/GBH style data (STY), in-game graphics,x zversion %d(= RenderWare data, v3.1.0.0, used in GTA III on PS2,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(= RenderWare data, v3.1.0.1, used in GTA III on PC/PS2,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(= RenderWare data, v3.2.0.0, used in GTA III on PC,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(=  RenderWare data, v3.3.0.0,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(=  RenderWare data, v3.3.0.2, used in GTA III PC and GTA VC PS2,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(= RenderWare data, v3.4.0.0,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(= RenderWare data, v3.4.0.3, used in GTA VC PC,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(= RenderWare data, v3.4.0.5, used in GTA III/VC on Android,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(= RenderWare data, v3.5.0.0, used in GTA III/VC on Xbox,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF)(= RenderWare data, v3.6.0.3, used in GTA SA,= texture archive (TXD)= 3D models (DFF) =@bnryGTA Item Placement data (IPL), used in GTA SA/IV,x %d items =TKEYGTA in-game text (GXT), version 2, used in GTA III =TABLGTA in-game text (GXT), version 3, used in GTA VC/LS/VCS =VER2GTA archive (IMG), version 2, used in GTA SA,x %d items(= TRiGTA Drawable data (WDR), model and weapon data, used in GTA IV(= 8RiGTA Windows Frag Type (WFT), vehicle models, used in GTA IV(= SiGTA Ped and LOD models (WDD), used in GTA IV(= SiGTA Windows Texture Dictionary (WTD), used in GTA IV =TABLGTA in-game text (GXT),x version %d, used in GTA SA/IV =2GXTGTA in-game text (GXT2), used in GTA V(= SCR GTA script (SCO), unencrypted, used in GTA IV,x %d code bytes,x %d static variables,x %d global variables(= scrGTA script (SCO), encrypted, used in GTA IVx %d code bytes,x %d static variables,x %d global variables(= R*NGTA archive (IMG),x version %d, used in GTA IV,x %d items =gpchGCC precompiled headerx (version %cx %cx %c)=Cfor C=ofor Objective-C=+for C++=Ofor Objective-C++ = $ gconv module configuration cache data =KEB Knudsen seismic KEL binary (KEB) -= [-A-Z0-9]+Software: %s= V[0-9]+\.[0-9]+version %s =D$HSFXSE multibeam =RHDCSCaris multibeam sonar related data =lDSBBSurfer 6 binary grid filex m, %dx nx%dx&o, minx=%gx&p, maxx=%gx&q, miny=%gx& r, maxy=%gx&(s, minz=%gx&0t, maxz=%g =yLASFLIDAR point data records>z, version %u>{.%u>|, SYSID %s>:}, Generating Software %s =SEGEOS=(executable=(VMFile=( binary=( directory label<( unknown>( unknown> , name "%s" =/GPATGIMP pattern data,x0%simage/x-gimp-patpat =9GIMPGIMP brush dataimage/x-gimp-gbrgbr =  glibc locale file LC_CTYPE = glibc locale file LC_NUMERIC = glibc locale file LC_TIME = glibc locale file LC_COLLATE = glibc locale file LC_MONETARY = glibc locale file LC_MESSAGES = glibc locale file LC_ALL = glibc locale file LC_PAPER = glibc locale file LC_NAME = glibc locale file LC_ADDRESS = glibc locale file LC_TELEPHONE = glibc locale file LC_MEASUREMENT = glibc locale file LC_IDENTIFICATION =$ GStreamer binary registryx%, version %s =GNU message catalog (little endian),x revisionapplication/x-gettext-translationgmo/mox %u.x %ux , %u message>  s= &! ', at %#x string table> )! *0, at %#x string tablex $2, %u sysdep message> $3s > O x PxR, %s > T x U!V xW'%s'=Y  !Z x['%s' =] x^'%s' =`GNU message catalog (big endian),application/x-gettext-translationgmo/moxmrevision %d.>n%d,xo%d messages,x$p%d sysdep messages=q%d,xr%d messages =wgpgGPG key trust databasexxversion %d = #Khronos SPIR-V binary, big-endianx , version %#08xx , generator %#08x = #Khronos SPIR-V binary, little-endianx , version %#08xx , generator %#08x =0 TML 0123 byte-order format =1 TML 1032 byte-order format =2 TML 2301 byte-order format =3 TML 3210 byte-order format =5PA-RISC1.1 relocatable object =6PA-RISC1.1 executable&7dynamically linked=80Ndynamically linked>`9- not stripped =;PA-RISC1.1 shared executable=<dynamically linked==0Ndynamically linked>`>- not stripped =@ PA-RISC1.1 demand-load executable=Adynamically linked=B0Ndynamically linked>`C- not stripped =EPA-RISC1.1 shared library>`F- not stripped =H PA-RISC1.1 dynamic load library>`I- not stripped =LPA-RISC2.0 relocatable object =NPA-RISC2.0 executable&Odynamically linked=P0Ndynamically linked>`Q- not stripped =SPA-RISC2.0 shared executable&Tdynamically linked=U0Ndynamically linked>`V- not stripped =X PA-RISC2.0 demand-load executable&Ydynamically linked=Z0Ndynamically linked>`[- not stripped =]PA-RISC2.0 shared library>`^- not stripped =` PA-RISC2.0 dynamic load library>`a- not stripped =d PA-RISC1.0 relocatable object =f PA-RISC1.0 executable=gdynamically linked=h0Ndynamically linked>`i- not stripped =k PA-RISC1.0 shared executable=ldynamically linked=m0Ndynamically linked>`n- not stripped =p  PA-RISC1.0 demand-load executable=qdynamically linked=r0Ndynamically linked>`s- not stripped =u PA-RISC1.0 shared library>`v- not stripped =x  PA-RISC1.0 dynamic load library>`y- not stripped =|HP s500 relocatable executable>}- version %d =HP s500 executable>- version %d =HP s500 pure executable>- version %d = HP s200 pure executable>- version %d&save fp regs&@dynamically linked& debuggable>$not stripped = HP s200 executable>- version %d&save fp regs&@dynamically linked& debuggable>$not stripped =  HP s200 demand-load executable>- version %d&save fp regs&@dynamically linked& debuggable>$not stripped = HP s200 relocatable executable>- version %d>- highwater %d&save fp regs& debuggable&PIC = HP s200 (2.x release) pure executable>- version %d>$not stripped = HP s200 (2.x release) executable>- version %d>$not stripped = HP s200 shared library>- version %d>- highwater %d>$not stripped =  HP s200 dynamic load library>- version %d>- highwater %d>$not stripped =eHP old archive =e HP s200 old archive =e HP s200 old archive =eHP s500 old archive =!XHP core file =MHP-WINDOWS font>- version %d =  compiled Lisp =HPHPHP=4848 binary=4949 binary>@- Rev %c= )(ADR)= 3)(REAL)= U)(LREAL)= w)(COMPLX)= )(LCOMPLX)= )(CHAR)= )(ARRAY)=  *(LNKARRAY)= ,*(STRING)= N*(HXS)= t*(LIST)= *(DIR)= *(ALG)= *(UNIT)= *(TAGGED)= +(GROB)= @+(LIB)= b+(BACKUP)= +(LIBDATA)= -(PROG)= -(CODE)= H.(GNAME)= m.(LNAME)= .(XLIB) =AIX compiled message catalog =k AIX backup/restore format file =o AIX backup/restore format file = FORMIFF data=AIFF, AIFF audioaudio/x-aiff=AIFC, AIFF-C compressed audioaudio/x-aiff=8SVX, 8SVX 8-bit sampled sound voiceaudio/x-aiff=16SV, 16SV 16-bit sampled sound voice=SAMP, SAMP sampled audio=MAUD, MAUD MacroSystem audio=SMUS, SMUS simple music=CMUS, CMUS complex music=ILBMBMHD, ILBM interleaved imagex, %d xx%d=RGBN, RGBN 12-bit RGB image= RGB8, RGB8 24-bit RGB image=!DEEP, DEEP TVPaint/XiPaint image="DR2D, DR2D 2-D object=#TDDD, TDDD 3-D rendering=$LWOB, LWOB 3-D object=%LWO2, LWO2 3-D object, v2=&LWLO, LWLO 3-D layered object='REAL, REAL Real3D rendering=(MC4D, MC4D MaxonCinema4D rendering=)ANIM, ANIM animation=*YAFA, YAFA animation=+SSA , SSA super smooth animation=,FANT, Fantavision animation=-ACBM, ACBM continuous image=.FAXX, FAXX fax image=/STFX, ST-Fax image=0IMAGIHDR, CD-i image=2FTXT, FTXT formatted text=3CTLG, CTLG message catalog=4PREF, PREF preferences=5DTYP, DTYP datatype description=6PTCH, PTCH binary patch=7AMFF, AMFF AmigaMetaFile format=8WZRD, WZRD StormWIZARD resource=9DOC , DOC desktop publishing document=:SWRT, SWRT Final Copy/Writer document=;WORD, ProWrite document=<WTXT, WTXT Wordworth document==WOWO, WOWO Wordworth document=>WVQA, Westwood Studios VQA Multimedia,x ?%d video frames,x @%d xx A%d=BMOVE, Wing Commander III Video= C_PC_, PC version= D3DO_, 3DO version=MIFRS, Blorb Interactive Fiction=NExecwith executable chunk=OIFZS, Z-machine or Glulx saved game file (Quetzal)application/x-blorb =.MDAMicroDesign data=0version 2=3version 3 = .MDPMicroDesign page data= 0version 2= 3version 3 =IIN1NIFF image dataimage/x-niff =MM+Big TIFF image data, big-endianimage/tiff =II+Big TIFF image data, little-endianimage/tiff =%@CMU window manager raster image data> &%d x> '%d,> (%d-bit =Q$BArtisan image data=R, rectangular 24-bit=S, rectangular 8-bit with colormap=T, rectangular 32-bit (24-bit with matte) ={FIGDeskMate Drawingimage/x-deskmate-figfig =GKSMGKS Metafile=SunGKS, SunGKS =Sfffstructured fax file(=jYSun raster image data>, %d x>%d,> %d-bit,=old format,=compressed,=RGB,=TIFF,=IFF,=reserved for testing,=no colormap=RGB colormap=raw colormap =IT01FIT image datax, %d xx%d xx %d =IT02FIT image datax, %d xx%d xx %d =DICMDICOM medical imaging dataapplication/dicomdcm/dicom/dic =PDS_PDS image data =pM85Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)=(white background)=(black background) =pM86Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)=(white background)=(black background) =NITFNational Imagery Transmission Format>dated %.14s(= GEM Metafile datax  version %d =DKiSSKISS/GS=EcolorxF%d bitx G%d colorsx H%d groups=I cellxJ%d bitx K%d xx L%dx M+%dx N+%d =|fSqueak image data(= h:DCX multi-pageimage/x-dcxdcxx , at %#x x) (= *_Cineon image data>, %d x>%d =MRMMinolta Dimage camera raw image data(= v/1OpenEXR image data,image/x-exrx version %d,^ storage: scanline& storage: tiled= compression, compression: =none =rle =zips =zip =piz =pxr24 =b44 =b44a =dwaa = dwab > unknown= dataWindow, dataWindow: x (%d x %d)-x (%d x %d)=displayWindow, displayWindow: x (%d x %d)-x (%d x %d)= lineOrder, lineOrder: =increasing y =decreasing y =random y >unknown =SDPXDPX image data, big-endian,image/x-dpx=.dpx_info =XPDSDPX image data, little-endian,image/x-dpx= .^dpx_info(=/Common Data Format (Version 3 or later) dataapplication/x-cdf(=2`Common Data Format (Version 2.6 or 2.7) dataapplication/x-cdf(=5Common Data Format (Version 2.5 or earlier) dataapplication/x-cdf(==Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) dataapplication/x-hdfhdf/hdf4/h4 =gCPCCartesian Perceptual Compression imageimage/x-cpicpi/cpc =sC565OLPC firmware icon image datax t%u xx u%u =yCytovision Metaphases file =zCytovision Karyotype file ={ Cytovision FISH Probe file =|ھCytovision FLEX file =}Cytovision FLEX file =~Cytovision RATS file =@PCO-PCO B16 image datax , %dxx %d= , short header= , extended header= , grayscale= $linear LUT= $logarithmic LUTx [%dx ,%d]= , color= @linear LUT= @logarithmic LUTx (r[%dx ,,%d]x 0g[%dx 4,%d]x 8b[%dx <,%d] = XcurX11 cursor =" MMOROlympus ORF raw image data, big-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =$ IIROOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =& IIRSOlympus ORF raw image data, little-endianimage/x-olympus-orf =C FOVbFoveon X3F raw image dataimage/x-x3fx E , version %d.x F %dx G , %dxx H %d =L PDN3Paint.NET image dataimage/x-paintnet =Q FMRISO/IEC 19794-2 Format Minutiae Record (FMR) = BPGBPG (Better Portable Graphics)image/bpg = icnsMac OS X iconimage/x-icns????icnsicns> x , %d bytesx , "%4.4s" type(= `MDEC video stream,x  %dxx  %d =^ GVRTSega GVR image:=._ sega-gvr-image-header = ARRIARRI ARI image data,=  4Vxlittle-endian,=  xV4big-endian,x version %d,x  %dxx  %d = VTFValve Texture Formatx  v%ux  .%ux  , %u>  x %u= > ?! x %u> " , %u framesx8# , mipmaps: %u> 4$ ,=.4% vtf-image-format =) VTF3Valve Texture Format (PS3)x* , %ux+ x %u=, , DXT1=- , DXT5(= 4 \ASTCx5 %ux6 x%u>7 x%ux : texture, %ux ; x %u> < x %u =I DanMicrosoft Paint image data (version 1.x)x J (%dx K x %d) =L LinSMicrosoft Paint image data (version 2.0)x M (%dx N x %d) = PVRPowerVR 3.0 texture:x  %u xx  %u> x %ux ,= =. pvr3-pixel-format! ! %c! %u! %c! %u! %c! %u! %c! %u=  , sRGB=  , premultiplied alpha = RVPPowerVR 3.0 texture: BE,x %u xx %u> x %ux ,= =. pvr3-pixel-format! ! %c! %u! %c! %u! %c! %u! %c! %u= , sRGB= , premultiplied alpha =XPR0Microsoft Xbox XPR0 texturex, format:=.xbox-xpr-pixel-format =ILDAILDA Image Data Transfer Format=3D Coordinates with Indexed Color=2D Coordinates with Indexed Color=Color Palette=3D Coordinates with True Color=2D Coordinates with True Color>0, palette %s>0, company %s>, number of records %dx, palette number %d>, number of frames %d>, projector number %d(=ZLepton image filex(version %d) =+qktkApple QuickTake 100 Raw Image= .,quicktake(=JxHCrunch compressed texture:x %u xx%u=, DXT1=, DXT3=, DXT5=, DXT5 CCxY=, DXT5 xGxR=, DXT5 xGBR=, DXT5 AGBR=, DXn XY=, DXn YX= , DXT5 Alpha= , ETC1>, %u images>, %u faces =qoifQOI image dataimage/x-qoiqoix%uxx%u,= s= RGB= RGBAx x *bad channels %u*= (linear alpha)= = RGB= RGBA= (all channels linear)x x *bad colorspace %u* =4GDSTGodot 3 texture:image/x-godot-stexstexx 7%u xx 8%u= 9,! :=.;godot-rescale-display-w=. <godot-rescale-display-hx =,! >has mipmaps,= ?lossless encoding= @ lossy encoding= A0=.Bgodot-pixel-format =KGST2Godot 4 textureimage/x-godot-stexstexx Nv%u:x (O%u xx *P%u=.Qgodot-rescale-display-w=. Rgodot-rescale-display-hx S,> ,T%u mipmaps,=.0Ugodot-pixel-format= $V, embedded PNG image= $W, embedded WebP image= $X, Basis Universal = ZIntel serial flash for ICH/PCH ROM <= 5 or 3400 series A-step = ZIntel serial flash for PCH ROM =OPSInterleaf saved data =:ISPLispellx;hash file version %d,x<lexletters %d,x =lexsize %d,x>hashsize %d,x?stblsize %d =IsZ!ISO Zipped filex, header size %ux, version %ux  , serial %u> , password protected = Java KeyStoreapplication/x-java-keystore =Java JCE KeyStoreapplication/x-java-jce-keystore = MJJava jmod module version 1.0application/x-java-jmod =%Java module image (big endian)>&, version %dx'.%dapplication/x-java-image = *Java module image (little endian)> +, version %dx ,.%dapplication/x-java-image = JPEG-LS image dataimage/jlsjls=.jpeg =nhsi1JPEG image data, HSI proprietaryimage/x-hsihsi/jpg =QOJPEG 2000 codestreamimage/x-jp2-codestreamjpc/j2c/j2k = ٢Keepass password database=  eK1.x KDB> 0 , %d groups> 4, %d entries= , SHA-256= , AES= , RC4= , Twofish> x, %d key transformation rounds= gK2.x KDBX =,Kerberos Keytab file= .-keytab_entry =lectDEC SRC Virtual Paper Lectern file = dLinux/i386 impure executable (OMAGIC)= , stripped = dLinux/i386 pure executable (NMAGIC)= , stripped =  dLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (ZMAGIC)= , stripped = dLinux/i386 demand-paged executable (QMAGIC)= , stripped =Linux-8086 impure executable!not stripped = Linux-8086 executable!not stripped =!Linux-8086 object file =#Minix-386 impure executable!$not stripped =% Minix-386 executable!&not stripped ='Minix-386 NSYM/GNU executable!(not stripped =1LILOLinux/i386 LILO boot/chain loader =Linux kernel=Loadingversion 1.3.79 or older=Loadingfrom prehistoric times =MOOOUser-mode Linux COW file<, version %d>, backing file %s>, version %d> , backing file %s =Linux=SKLEELKS Kernel!SKLEstyle boot sector = $(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage!0(little-endian)img/bin=0(big-endian) =$(oLinux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (big-endian) = 8ARMdLinux kernel ARM64 boot executable Image^ , little-endian& , big-endian& , 4K pages& , 16K pages& , 32K pages = Linux-Dev86 executable, headerless=.> , libc version %s = Linux-8086 executable! , unmapped zero page=  , impure! !, A_EXEC!, A_PAL!, A_NSYM!, A_STAND!@, A_PURE!, A_TOVLY!, not stripped=%.>$, libc version %s = !=SYSLINUX' LSS16 image dataimage/x-lss16x $, width %dx %, height %d ='OOOMUser-Mode-Linux's Copy-On-Write disk imagex(version %d = ,|SE Linux policyx -v%d= .MLSx /%d symbolsx 0%d ocons =bSnApLVM Snapshot (CopyOnWrite store)! c- valid,= d- invalid,x eversion %d,x fchunk_size %d = i|SE Linux policyx jv%d= kMLSx l%d symbolsx m%d ocons =  locale archivex %d strings = N+Linux Software RAIDx version 1.2 (%d)= .linuxraid = N+Linux Software RAIDx version 1.1 (%d)= .linuxraid = $1Eiproute2 routes dump = "6Giproute2 addresses dump = CVTCRIU image file v1.1 = @YUCRIU service file = 11XCRIU inventory =FҋvpCLISP memory image data =GpvCLISP memory image data, other endian =JMIT scheme (library?) =llvmLLVM byte-codes, uncompressed =  LLVM bitcode, wrapper= x86_64= i386= ppc= ppc64=  arm =BCLLVM IR bitcode =LuaLua bytecode,=#version 2.4=%version 2.5/3.0=1version 3.1=2version 3.2=@version 4.0=Pversion 5.0=Qversion 5.1=Rversion 5.2=Sversion 5.3=Tversion 5.4 =/SIT!StuffIt Archive (data)application/x-stuffitSIT!SIT!x2: %s =3SITDStuffIt Deluxe (data)x4: %s =SPSS Portable Filex(%s =$FL2SPSS System Filex%s =$FL3SPSS System Filex%s = magic binary file for file(1) cmdx (version %d) (little endian) = magic binary file for file(1) cmdx (version %d) (big endian) = 8x>"Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF)application/vnd.ms-tneftnef/dat!@, 1st level %#2.2x!B, 1st id %#8.8x=C! E, TnefVersion length %x! G, version %#8.8x! I, checksum %#4.4x!K, level %#2.2x=M, OEM codepage= Ox Q%u! "Sand %ux &U(checksum %#x)!(W, level %u=)Y, MessageAttributex -^"%s" =iJAMJAM message area header file> j(%d messages) = .FITFIT Map data= x# , unit id %dx ' , serial %ux+L%, %sx /, manufacturer %d= / (garmin)x 1, product %dx5, type %d=5 (Device)=5 (Settings)=5 (Sports/Cycling)=5 (Activity)=5 (Elevations)=5 (Totals) =BKpGrGarmin update! Ddx Ed, version %ux Fd.%u= .Hgarmin-entry x  J= .Kgarmin-entry x  Mx N= .Ogarmin-entryx Q= :UGARMIN BITMAP= image/x-garmin-exeexex)Xx:Z= application/x-garmin-rgnrgn=:^KpGrdx)_=:aPKx)b =[$Maple something=`EAn old revision=aRThe latest save ="(*^ Mathematica notebook version 2.xmb = HG10Mercurial changeset bundle= UN(uncompressed)= GZ(gzip compressed)= BZ(bzip2 compressed) =zMirage Assembler m.out executable =5MDMPMini DuMP crash reportapplication/x-dmpdmp/mdmp! ;, version %#4.4xx =, %d streams! ? , %#8.8x RVA! A, CheckSum %#8.8xx C, %sx F, %#x type = ͫMLSSA datafile,x algorithm %d,x %d samples =MMDF mailbox =<RMD1raw modem data>=(%s />>compression type %#04x) =*`Atari ST M68K contiguous executablex+(txt=%d,x,dat=%d,x -bss=%d,x.sym=%d) =/`Atari ST M68K non-contig executablex0(txt=%d,x1dat=%d,x 2bss=%d,x3sym=%d) =!PKMozilla archive omni.jaapplication/x-zipja = @ۥ-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword = @ۥ-Microsoft WinWord 2.0 Documentapplication/msword =-_=d>fLotusapplication/vnd.lotus-1-2-3????L123= l1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.x (PGRAPH.CNF)cnf= n 1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.4Jcnf= p1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 1-2.1cnf= rSymphony CoNFigurationcnf= t1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.2cnf= v 1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 2.3-2.4cnf= x1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 3.xcnf= zP1-2-3 CoNFiguration, version 4.xcnf= ~1-2-3 WorKSheet, version 1wks= Symphony WoRksheet, version 1.0wrk/wr1= 1-2-3/Symphony worksheet, version 2wk1/wr1= 1-2-3 WorKsheet, version 1.xJwj1= 1-2-3 worksheet, version 2.4Jwj3= 1-2-3 ForMaTting data, version 2.xfmt/fj3= 1-2-3 FoRMatting data, version 2.0frmxunknown worksheet or configurationcnfx , revision %#x= .lotus-cells= .  lotus-cells =@ƚWindows metafileimage/wmfwmf =@ Windows metafileimage/wmfwmf =@ Windows metafileimage/wmfwmf =MDCU1Borland Delphi .DCU file = RpkTurboC BGI file = SPKTurboC Font file =]PMCCWindows 3.x .GRP file =DOS EPS Binary Fileimage/x-eps>Postscript starts at byte %d>length %d> Metafile starts at byte %d>length %d>TIFF starts at byte %d>length %d(= 4DH4DOS help filex, version %-4.4s =@ISc(InstallShield Cabinet archive data=`version 6,!`version 4/5,x  (%u files =MSVC .bsc =@KSCCKSS music file v1.03==, soundchips: AY-3-8910, SCC(+)=, soundchip(s): SN76489=stereo=, YM2413=, Y8950 =@KSSXKSS music file v1.20= =!@, 60Hz="@@, 50Hz=#, soundchips: AY-3-8910, SCC(+)=$, soundchips: SN76489=%stereo=&,='YM2413=(YM2413, Y8950=)YM2413+Y8950 pseudostereo=*, Majyutsushi DAC = RSRCNational Instruments,=LVLabVIEW File,= SBCode Resource File, data= INVirtual Instrument Program, data= ARVI Library, data=LMNULBVWPortable File Names, data=rscResources File, data =VMAPNational Instruments, VXI File, data =9 a.out NetBSD/i386 demand paged= .:netbsd-4096 =<a.out NetBSD/i386 pure= .=netbsd-pure =?a.out NetBSD/i386= .@netbsd-normal =BGa.out NetBSD/i386 core= .Cnetbsd-core =E a.out NetBSD/m68k demand paged= .F^netbsd-8192 =Ha.out NetBSD/m68k pure= .I^netbsd-pure =Ka.out NetBSD/m68k=.L^netbsd-normal =NGa.out NetBSD/m68k core= .O^netbsd-core =Q a.out NetBSD/m68k4k demand paged= .R^netbsd-4096 =Ta.out NetBSD/m68k4k pure= .U^netbsd-pure =Wa.out NetBSD/m68k4k=.X^netbsd-normal =ZGa.out NetBSD/m68k4k core= .[^netbsd-core =] a.out NetBSD/ns32532 demand paged= .^netbsd-4096 =`a.out NetBSD/ns32532 pure= .anetbsd-pure =ca.out NetBSD/ns32532= .dnetbsd-normal =fGa.out NetBSD/ns32532 core= .gnetbsd-core =iGa.out NetBSD/powerpc core= .jnetbsd-core =l a.out NetBSD/SPARC demand paged= .m^netbsd-8192 =oa.out NetBSD/SPARC pure= .p^netbsd-pure =ra.out NetBSD/SPARC=.s^netbsd-normal =uGa.out NetBSD/SPARC core= .v^netbsd-core =x a.out NetBSD/pmax demand paged= .ynetbsd-4096 ={a.out NetBSD/pmax pure= .|^netbsd-pure =~a.out NetBSD/pmax= .netbsd-normal =Ga.out NetBSD/pmax core= .netbsd-core = a.out NetBSD/vax 1k demand paged= .netbsd-4096 =a.out NetBSD/vax 1k pure= .netbsd-pure =a.out NetBSD/vax 1k= .netbsd-normal =Ga.out NetBSD/vax 1k core= .netbsd-core = a.out NetBSD/vax 4k demand paged= .netbsd-4096 =a.out NetBSD/vax 4k pure= .netbsd-pure =a.out NetBSD/vax 4k= .netbsd-normal =Ga.out NetBSD/vax 4k core= .netbsd-core = ECOFF NetBSD/alpha binary= not stripped= stripped =Ga.out NetBSD/alpha core> from '%s'! (signal %d) = a.out NetBSD/mips demand paged= .^netbsd-8192>not stripped =a.out NetBSD/mips pure= .netbsd-pure =a.out NetBSD/mips= .netbsd-normal =Ga.out NetBSD/mips core= .netbsd-core = a.out NetBSD/arm32 demand paged= .netbsd-4096 =a.out NetBSD/arm32 pure= .netbsd-pure =a.out NetBSD/arm32= .netbsd-normal =Ga.out NetBSD/arm core= .netbsd-core =ʏNetBSD kernel core file=, Unknown=, sun 68010/68020=, sun 68020=d, 386 PC=, i386 BSD=, m68k BSD (8K pages)=, m68k BSD (4K pages)=, ns32532 BSD=, SPARC/32 BSD=, pmax BSD=, vax BSD (1K pages)=, alpha BSD=, mips BSD (Big Endian)=, arm6 BSD=, m68k BSD (2K pages)=, sh3 BSD=, ppc BSD (Big Endian)=, vax BSD (4K pages)=, mips1 BSD=, mips2 BSD=, m88k BSD=, parisc BSD=, sh5/64 BSD=, SPARC/64 BSD=, amd64 BSD=, sh5/32 BSD=, ia64 BSD=, aarch64 BSD=, or1k BSD=, Risk-V BSD=, hp200 BSD=,, hp300 BSD= , hp800 HP-UX= , hp200/hp300 HP-UX=, CPU=, DATA=, STACKx , (headersize = %dx , segmentsize = %dx , segments = %d) = BINetscape Communicator address book =D)zNeWS bitmap font = G)zNeWS font family = P)zscalable OpenFont binary = Q)zencrypted scalable OpenFont binary = E+zX11/NeWS bitmap font = H+zX11/NeWS font family =X n+1NIfTI-1 neuroimaging data,image/x.niftinii=. nifti1 =Xni1NIfTI-1 neuroimaging data header,image/x.niftihdr=.nifti1 =NPFFNItpicker Flow FilexV%d.x%dx  started: %sx stopped: %sx Bytes: %ux Bytes1: %ux Flows: %uxPkts: %u =OLFOLF=invalid class=32-bit=64-bit=invalid os=OpenBSD=NetBSD=FreeBSD=4.4BSD=Linux=SVR4=esix=Solaris= Irix= SCO= Dell= NCR=invalid byte order= LSB= !no file type,= "relocatable,= #executable,= $shared object,= 'core file>8(of '%s'> 8)(signal %d),& *processor-specific,= +no machine,= ,AT&T WE32100 - invalid byte order,= -SPARC - invalid byte order,= .Intel 80386,= /Motorola 68000 - invalid byte order,= 0Motorola 88000 - invalid byte order,= 1Intel 80486,= 2Intel 80860,= 3MIPS R3000_BE - invalid byte order,= 4 Amdahl - invalid byte order,= 5 MIPS R3000_LE,= 6 RS6000 - invalid byte order,= 7PA-RISC - invalid byte order,= 8nCUBE,= 9VPP500,= :SPARC32PLUS,= ;PowerPC,= <&Alpha,= =invalid version= >version 1= $?MathCoPro/FPU/MAU Required>@(%s)=AMSB=Bno file type,=Crelocatable,=Dexecutable,=Eshared object,=Fcore file,>8Gof '%s'>8H(signal %d),&Iprocessor-specific,=Jno machine,=KAT&T WE32100,=LSPARC,=MIntel 80386 - invalid byte order,=NMotorola 68000,=OMotorola 88000,=PIntel 80486 - invalid byte order,=QIntel 80860,=RMIPS R3000_BE,=S Amdahl,=T MIPS R3000_LE - invalid byte order,=U RS6000,=VPA-RISC,=WnCUBE,=XVPP500,=YSPARC32PLUS,=ZPowerPC or cisco 4500,=[cisco 7500,=\cisco SVIP,=]cisco 7200,=^$cisco 12000,=_&Alpha,=`invalid version=aversion 1=$bMathCoPro/FPU/MAU Required =~OpenFst binary FST datax , fst type: %sx , arc type: %sx , version: %dx , num states: %lld> , num arcs: %lld = \QVOpenFst binary FAR data, far type: stlistx, version: %d =\~OpenFst binary FAR data, far type: sttablex, version: %d = $Oric tape,= BASIC,= memory block,> autorun,x "%.15s"(=wWarpIN Installerapplication/x-os2-wpiwpix, created by %sxF, '%s'x, URL %s =OSF/Rose object =<zTXTA GutenPalm zTXT e-book>"%s"=NxN(v0.%02d)=NxN(v1.%02d)>N <N - 1 bookmark>N - %d bookmarks>N<N- 1 annotation>N- %d annotations>N(v%d.xN%02d) =<ptchPalm OS operating system patch data>"%s" = mPDP-11 single precision APL workspace = lPDP-11 double precision APL workspace =@pst0perl Storable (v0.7) data>A&B(network-ordered)=C(major 2)=D(major 2)>E(minor %d) ={ PGP RSA encrypted session key -x|keyid: %08Xx}%08X= ~RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 2048b= RSA Encrypt-Only 2048b= = = = = = = = =. =PGP RSA encrypted session key -xkeyid: %08Xx%08X= RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 3072b= RSA Encrypt-Only 3072b= = = = = = = = =. = PGP RSA encrypted session key -xkeyid: %08Xx%08X= RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 4096b= RSA Encrypt-Only 4096b= = = = = = = = =. = PGP RSA encrypted session key -xkeyid: %08Xx%08X= RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 8192b= RSA Encrypt-Only 8192b= = = = = = = = =. =PGP Elgamal encrypted session key -xkeyid: %08Xx%08X= Elgamal Encrypt-Only 1024b.= = = = = = = =  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Video Compression= htr20TrueMotion RT 2.0= hultiUltimotion= huyvyUYVY 4:2:2 byte ordering= hv42224-bit YUV 4:2:2 format= hv65516-bit YUV 4:2:2 format= hvcr1ATI VCR 1.0= hvcr2ATI VCR 2.0= hvcr3ATI VCR 3.0= h vcr4ATI VCR 4.0= h vcr5ATI VCR 5.0= h vcr6ATI VCR 6.0= h vcr7ATI VCR 7.0= h vcr8ATI VCR 8.0= hvcr9ATI VCR 9.0= hvdctVideo Maker Pro DIB= hvidsYUV 4:2:2 CCIR 601 for V422= hvivoVivo H.263= hvixlVIXL= hvlv1VLCAP.DRV= hwbvcW9960= hx263mmioFOURCC('X','2','6','3')= hxlv0XL Video Decoder= hy211YUV 2:1:1 Packed= hy411YUV 4:1:1 Packed= hy41bYUV 4:1:1 Planar= hy41pPC1 4:1:1= hy41tPC1 4:1:1 with transparency= hy42bYUV 4:2:2 Planar= hy42tPC1 4:2:2 with transparency= hyc12Intel YUV12 Codec= hyuv8Winnov Caviar YUV8= h yuv9YUV9= h!yuy2YUY2 4:2:2 byte ordering packed= h"yuyvBI_YUYV, Canopus= h#fmp4FFMpeg MPEG-4= h$div3DivX 3=p%div3Low-Motion=p&div4Fast-Motion= h'divxDivX 4= h(dx50DivX 5= h)xvidXviD= h*h264H.264= h+wmv3Windows Media Video 9= h,h264X.264 or H.264= h-= \`0LIST= \h1strlstrh= \t2auds, 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bit=, mono=, stereo>, %d channels>%d Hz=#CDR= .$^corel-draw='AVI , AVI=)ACON, animated cursor=+NIFF, Notation Interchange File Format=-sfbkSoundFont/Bank =%URaspberry PI EEPROMapplication/x-raspberry-eeprombinx+, offset %8.8x!., length %x> 00, "%s"=2!4, 2nd MAGIC=%8.8x =RPMapplication/x-rpmx v%dx .%d= src= bin= i386/x86_64=Alpha/Sparc64=Sparc=MIPS=PowerPC=68000=SGI=RS6000= IA64= Sparc64= MIPSel= ARM= MiNT=S/390=S/390x=PowerPC64=SuperH=Xtensa=noarchx %s =#drpmDelta RPMapplication/x-rpmx %%s=& MIPSel=' ARM=( MiNT=)S/390=*S/390x=+PowerPC64=,SuperH=-Xtensax .%s = MTZ MTZ reflection file =MAP CCP4 Electron Density Map= , Big-endian=!", VAX format="D, Little-endian=#U, Convex native =fGDSII Stream file=gxhversion %d.0>iversion %dxj.%d =Sun 'jks' Java Keystore File data = |SE Linux modular policyx version %d,x %d sections,= |x   mod version %d,=   Not MLS,=   MLS,=   >  /module name %s=  base = BALANCE NS32000 .o>  not stripped> | version %d = BALANCE NS32000 executable (0 @ 0)>  not 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troff Context intermediate for HP LaserJet =%X psSoftQuad troff Context intermediate for PostScript =specSPEC= .cpuCPU< :%.4s= .raw result text =*RZX!Spectrum .RZX datax+version %dx,.%d =<ZXSTzx-state snapshotx=version %dx>.%d=?16k ZX Spectrum=@48k ZX Spectrum/ZX Spectrum+=AZX Spectrum 128=BZX Spectrum +2=CZX Spectrum +2A/+2B=DZX Spectrum +3=EZX Spectrum +3e=FPentagon 128=GTimex Sinclair TC2048=H Timex Sinclair TC2068=I Scorpion ZS-256=J ZX Spectrum SE=K Timex Sinclair TS2068=L Pentagon 512=MPentagon 1024=N48k ZX Spectrum (NTSC)=OZX Spectrum 12Ke=P(alternate timings) =+MySQL ISAM index filex,Version %d =-MySQL ISAM compressed data filex.Version %d =/MySQL MyISAM index filex0Version %dx1, %d key partsx2, %d unique key partsx3, %d keysx4, %lld recordsx$5, %lld deleted records =6MySQL MyISAM compressed data filex7Version %d =8 MySQL Maria index filex9Version %d =: MySQL Maria compressed data filex;Version %d =?binMySQL replication log,x @server id %d=A= BE, MySQL V3.2.3xC, server version %s= DK, MySQL V4.0.2-V4.1xE, server version %s=FMySQL V5+,xGserver version %s=HMARIALOGMySQL Maria transaction log filexIVersion %d =7SQLite Write-Ahead Log,sqlite-wal/db-walxversion %d =DUCKDuckDB database filex , version %lld = a.out SunOS SPARC demand paged& <shared library=dynamically linked executable>dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped =a.out SunOS SPARC pure&dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped =a.out SunOS SPARC&dynamically linked executable^executable>not stripped = a.out SunOS mc68020 demand paged&< shared library=!dynamically linked executable>"dynamically linked executable^#executable>$not stripped =&a.out SunOS mc68020 pure&'dynamically linked executable^(executable>)not stripped =+a.out SunOS mc68020&,dynamically linked executable^-executable>.not stripped =0 a.out SunOS mc68010 demand paged&1<2shared library=3dynamically linked executable>4dynamically linked executable^5executable>6not stripped =8a.out SunOS mc68010 pure&9dynamically 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