‰PNG  IHDR @ @ ªiqÞ pHYs   šœ —tEXtComment # encoding: utf-8 # Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. # # "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered # trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. module PhusionPassenger FILE_LOCATION = File.expand_path(__FILE__) ###### Names and version numbers ###### PACKAGE_NAME = 'passenger' # Run 'rake src/cxx_supportlib/Constants.h configkit_schemas_inline_comments' after changing this number. VERSION_STRING = '6.0.20' # Tip: find the SHA-256 with ./dev/nginx_version_sha2 PREFERRED_NGINX_VERSION = '1.24.0' NGINX_SHA256_CHECKSUM = '77a2541637b92a621e3ee76776c8b7b40cf6d707e69ba53a940283e30ff2f55d' # Packaging may be locked to an older version due to the specific module configuration being # incompatible with the version we prefer (latest stable). PACKAGING_PREFERRED_NGINX_VERSION = '1.24.0' PACKAGING_NGINX_SHA256_CHECKSUM = '77a2541637b92a621e3ee76776c8b7b40cf6d707e69ba53a940283e30ff2f55d' # sha256sum of the .tar.gz PREFERRED_PCRE_VERSION = '8.45' PCRE_SHA256_CHECKSUM = '4e6ce03e0336e8b4a3d6c2b70b1c5e18590a5673a98186da90d4f33c23defc09' STANDALONE_INTERFACE_VERSION = 1 ###### Directories ###### GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_ = "passenger" # Subdirectory under $HOME to use for storing stuff. USER_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_ = ".passenger" # The name for the /etc/apache2/mods-available/*.{load,conf} file. APACHE2_MODULE_CONF_NAME = "passenger" # Directories in which to look for plugins. PLUGIN_DIRS = [ "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_}/plugins", "/usr/local/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_}/plugins", "~/#{USER_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_}/plugins" ] REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS = [ # User-invoked commands :bin_dir, # Support binaries :support_binaries_dir, # Library files like libboost_oxt.a and various .o files :lib_dir, # Scripts not directly invoked by users :helper_scripts_dir, # Various non-executable resources :resources_dir, # C header files, necessary for compiling Nginx :include_dir, # Documentation :doc_dir, # Ruby support libraries :ruby_libdir, # Node.js support libraries :node_libdir, # Path to the compiled Apache module :apache2_module_path, # Directory containing the source code of our Ruby extension :ruby_extension_source_dir, # Directory containing the source code of our Nginx module :nginx_module_source_dir ].freeze OPTIONAL_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS = [ # Directory which contains the main Phusion Passenger Rakefile. Only # available when originally packaged, :build_system_dir, # Directory in which downloaded Phusion Passenger binaries are cached. :download_cache_dir ].freeze # Follows the logic of src/cxx_supportlib/ResourceLocator.h, so don't forget to modify that too. def self.locate_directories(install_spec = nil) @install_spec = install_spec || infer_install_spec if @install_spec && File.file?(@install_spec) filename = @install_spec options = parse_ini_file(filename) @custom_packaged = true @packaging_method = get_option(filename, options, 'packaging_method') REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS.each do |field| value = get_option(filename, options, field.to_s) value.freeze unless value.nil? instance_variable_set("@#{field}", value) end OPTIONAL_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS.each do |field| value = get_option(filename, options, field.to_s, false) value.freeze unless value.nil? instance_variable_set("@#{field}", value) end else source_root = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(FILE_LOCATION))) @install_spec = source_root @custom_packaged = false @bin_dir = "#{source_root}/bin".freeze @support_binaries_dir = "#{source_root}/buildout/support-binaries".freeze @lib_dir = "#{source_root}/buildout".freeze @helper_scripts_dir = "#{source_root}/src/helper-scripts".freeze @resources_dir = "#{source_root}/resources".freeze @include_dir = "#{source_root}/src".freeze @doc_dir = "#{source_root}/doc".freeze @ruby_libdir = File.dirname(FILE_LOCATION).freeze @node_libdir = "#{source_root}/src/nodejs_supportlib".freeze @apache2_module_path = "#{source_root}/buildout/apache2/mod_passenger.so".freeze @ruby_extension_source_dir = "#{source_root}/src/ruby_native_extension".freeze @nginx_module_source_dir = "#{source_root}/src/nginx_module".freeze @download_cache_dir = "#{source_root}/download_cache".freeze @build_system_dir = source_root.dup.freeze REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS.each do |field| if instance_variable_get("@#{field}").nil? raise "BUG: @#{field} not set" end end end end # Returns whether this Phusion Passenger installation is in the 'originally packaged' # configuration (as opposed to the 'custom packaged' configuration. def self.originally_packaged? return !@custom_packaged end def self.custom_packaged? return @custom_packaged end # If Phusion Passenger is custom packaged, returns which packaging # method was used. Can be 'deb', 'rpm', 'homebrew', 'test' # or 'unknown'. def self.packaging_method return @packaging_method end def self.packaging_method_description case packaging_method when "deb" "Debian packages" when "rpm" "RPM packages" when "homebrew" "Homebrew" else "gem or tarball" end end # Whether the current Phusion Passenger installation is installed # from a release package, e.g. an official gem or official tarball. # Returns false if e.g. the gem was built by the user, or if this # install is from a git repository. def self.installed_from_release_package? File.exist?("#{resources_dir}/release.txt") end # The installation specification string, as passed to #locate_directories. def self.install_spec return @install_spec end # Generate getters for the directory types in locations.ini. getters_code = "" (REQUIRED_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS + OPTIONAL_LOCATIONS_INI_FIELDS).each do |field| getters_code << %Q{ def self.#{field} return @#{field} end } end eval(getters_code, binding, __FILE__, __LINE__) def self.user_support_binaries_dir return "#{home_dir}/#{USER_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_}/support-binaries/#{VERSION_STRING}" end def self.find_support_binary(name) all_support_binary_dirs = [ support_binaries_dir, user_support_binaries_dir ] all_support_binary_dirs.each do |dir| result = "#{dir}/#{name}" if File.exist?(result) return result end end return nil end ###### Other resource locations ###### def self.binaries_sites [ { :url => "https://github.com/phusion/passenger/releases/download/release-{{VERSION}}".freeze }, { :url => "https://oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com/binaries/passenger/by_release".freeze }, { :url => "https://s3.amazonaws.com/phusion-passenger/binaries/passenger/by_release".freeze } ] end # Instead of calling `require 'phusion_passenger/foo'`, you should call # `PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'foo'`. This is because when Phusion # Passenger is natively packaged, it may still be run with arbitrary Ruby # interpreters. Adding ruby_libdir to $LOAD_PATH is then dangerous because ruby_libdir # may be the distribution's Ruby's vendor_ruby directory, which may be incompatible # with the active Ruby interpreter. This method looks up the exact filename directly. # # Using this method also has two more advantages: # # 1. It is immune to Bundler's load path mangling code. # 2. It is faster than plan require() because it doesn't need to # scan the entire load path. def self.require_passenger_lib(name) require("#{ruby_libdir}/phusion_passenger/#{name}") end # Forward define public_api.rb methods for code that tries to hook # Passenger events before an app is spawned (such as mongoid) def self.on_event(name, &block) # The definition in `public_api.rb` will override this implementation when # a Ruby application is spawned. nil end def self.call_event(name, *args) # The definition in `public_api.rb` will override this implementation when # a Ruby application is spawned. nil end private def self.infer_install_spec filename = ENV['PASSENGER_LOCATION_CONFIGURATION_FILE'] return filename if filename && !filename.empty? filename = File.dirname(FILE_LOCATION) + "/phusion_passenger/locations.ini" return filename if filename && File.exist?(filename) require 'etc' if !defined?(Etc) begin home_dir = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir rescue ArgumentError # Unknown user. home_dir = ENV['HOME'] end if home_dir && !home_dir.empty? filename = "#{home_dir}/#{USER_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_}/locations.ini" return filename if File.exist?(filename) end filename = "/etc/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME_}/locations.ini" return filename if File.exist?(filename) return nil end def self.parse_ini_file(filename) options = {} in_locations_section = false File.open(filename, 'r') do |f| while !f.eof? line = f.readline line.strip! next if line.empty? if line =~ /\A\[(.+)\]\Z/ in_locations_section = $1 == 'locations' elsif in_locations_section && line =~ /=/ key, value = line.split(/ *= */, 2) options[key.freeze] = value.freeze end end end return options end def self.get_option(filename, options, key, required = true) value = options[key] if value return value elsif required raise "Option '#{key}' missing in file '#{filename}'" else return nil end end def self.get_bool_option(filename, options, key) value = get_option(filename, options, key) return value == 'yes' || value == 'true' || value == 'on' || value == '1' end # The HOME environment variable is often unreliable, because for # example `sudo` preserves it. That's why we don't respect it by # default. def self.home_dir(respect_home_env = false) if respect_home_env home = ENV['HOME'].to_s end if home.nil? || home.empty? require 'etc' if !defined?(Etc) begin home = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir rescue ArgumentError # Unknown user. home = ENV['HOME'] end end return home end end if !defined?(PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING)