‰PNG  IHDR @ @ ªiqÞ pHYs   šœ —tEXtComment #!/usr/bin/env ruby # Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ # Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. # # "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered # trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. ## Magic comment: begin bootstrap ## source_root = File.expand_path("..", File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{source_root}/src/ruby_supportlib") begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'phusion_passenger' ## Magic comment: end bootstrap ## PhusionPassenger.locate_directories PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'constants' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'admin_tools/instance_registry' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'config/utils' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'utils/ansi_colors' require 'optparse' require 'socket' require 'json' require 'net/http' include PhusionPassenger::SharedConstants include PhusionPassenger::AdminTools include PhusionPassenger::Utils::AnsiColors DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :show => 'pool', :color => STDOUT.tty? }.freeze ##### Show status command ##### def command_show_status(argv, options) if argv.empty? instance = find_sole_instance elsif options[:pid_identifier] instance = find_instance_by_watchdog_pid(argv[0].to_i) else instance = find_instance_by_name_prefix(argv[0]) end show_status(instance, options) end def find_sole_instance instances = InstanceRegistry.new.list if instances.empty? abort "ERROR: #{PROGRAM_NAME} doesn't seem to be running. If you " + "are sure that it is running, then the causes of this problem could be:\n\n" + "1. You customized the instance registry directory using Apache's " + "PassengerInstanceRegistryDir option, Nginx's passenger_instance_registry_dir " + "option, or #{PROGRAM_NAME} Standalone's --instance-registry-dir command line " + "argument. If so, please set the environment variable PASSENGER_INSTANCE_REGISTRY_DIR " + "to that directory and run passenger-status again.\n" + "2. The instance directory has been removed by an operating system background service. " + "Please set a different instance registry directory using Apache's " + "PassengerInstanceRegistryDir option, Nginx's passenger_instance_registry_dir " + "option, or #{PROGRAM_NAME} Standalone's --instance-registry-dir command line " + "argument." elsif instances.size == 1 return instances.first else puts "It appears that multiple #{PROGRAM_NAME} instances are running. Please" puts "select a specific one by running:" puts puts " passenger-status " puts PhusionPassenger::Config::Utils.list_all_passenger_instances(instances) exit 1 end end def find_instance_by_name_prefix(name) instance = InstanceRegistry.new.find_by_name_prefix(name) if instance == :ambigious abort "ERROR: there are multiple instances whose name start with '#{name}'. Please specify the full name." elsif instance return instance else abort "ERROR: there doesn't seem to be a #{PROGRAM_NAME} instance running with the name '#{name}'." end end def find_instance_by_watchdog_pid(pid) instance = InstanceRegistry.new.find_by_watchdog_pid(pid) if instance return instance else abort "ERROR: there doesn't seem to be a #{PROGRAM_NAME} instance running with the pid #{pid}." end end def show_status(instance, options) # if the noshow override is not specified, the default is to show the header, unless show=xml if options[:noheader] != true && !['xml','json'].include?(options[:show]) print_header(STDOUT, instance) end case options[:show] when 'pool' request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/pool.txt?colorize=#{options[:color]}&verbose=#{options[:verbose]}") try_performing_ro_admin_basic_auth(request, instance) response = instance.http_request("agents.s/core_api", request) if response.code.to_i / 100 == 2 puts response.body elsif response.code.to_i == 401 if response["pool-empty"] == "true" puts "#{PROGRAM_NAME} is currently not serving any applications." else print_permission_error_message exit 2 end else STDERR.puts "*** An error occured." STDERR.puts "#{response.code}: #{response.body}" exit 2 end when 'requests', 'server' request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/server.json") try_performing_ro_admin_basic_auth(request, instance) response = instance.http_request("agents.s/core_api", request) if response.code.to_i / 100 == 2 puts response.body elsif response.code.to_i == 401 print_permission_error_message exit 2 else STDERR.puts "*** An error occured." STDERR.puts "#{response.code}: #{response.body}" exit 2 end when 'backtraces' request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/backtraces.txt") try_performing_ro_admin_basic_auth(request, instance) response = instance.http_request("agents.s/core_api", request) if response.code.to_i / 100 == 2 text = response.body # Colorize output color = PhusionPassenger::Utils::AnsiColors.new text.gsub!(/^(Thread .*:)$/, color.black_bg + color.yellow + '\1' + color.reset) text.gsub!(/^( +in '.*? )(.*?)\(/, '\1' + color.bold + '\2' + color.reset + '(') puts text elsif response.code.to_i == 401 print_permission_error_message exit 2 else STDERR.puts "*** An error occured." STDERR.puts "#{response.code}: #{response.body}" exit 2 end when 'xml' request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/pool.xml?secrets=#{options[:verbose]}") try_performing_ro_admin_basic_auth(request, instance) response = instance.http_request("agents.s/core_api", request) if response.code.to_i / 100 == 2 indented = format_with_xmllint(response.body) if indented puts indented else puts response.body STDERR.puts "*** Tip: if you install the 'xmllint' command then the XML output will be indented." end elsif response.code.to_i == 401 if response["pool-empty"] == "true" puts "#{PROGRAM_NAME} is currently not serving any applications." else print_permission_error_message exit 2 end else STDERR.puts "*** An error occured." STDERR.puts "#{response.code}: #{response.body}" exit 2 end when 'json' request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/pool.json?secrets=#{options[:verbose]}") try_performing_ro_admin_basic_auth(request, instance) response = instance.http_request("agents.s/core_api", request) if response.code.to_i / 100 == 2 indented = JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(response.body)) if indented puts indented else puts response.body end elsif response.code.to_i == 401 if response["pool-empty"] == "true" puts "#{PROGRAM_NAME} is currently not serving any applications." else print_permission_error_message exit 2 end else STDERR.puts "*** An error occured." STDERR.puts "#{response.code}: #{response.body}" exit 2 end when 'union_station' request = Net::HTTP::Get.new("/server.json") try_performing_ro_admin_basic_auth(request, instance) response = instance.http_request("agents.s/ust_router_api", request) if response.code.to_i / 100 == 2 puts response.body elsif response.code.to_i == 401 print_permission_error_message exit 2 else STDERR.puts "*** An error occured." STDERR.puts "#{response.code}: #{response.body}" exit 2 end end end def print_header(io, instance) io.puts "Version : #{PhusionPassenger::VERSION_STRING}" io.puts "Date : #{Time.now}" io.puts "Instance: #{instance.name} (#{instance.server_software})" io.puts end def try_performing_ro_admin_basic_auth(request, instance) begin password = instance.read_only_admin_password rescue Errno::EACCES return end request.basic_auth("ro_admin", password) end def print_permission_error_message PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info/ruby' STDERR.puts "*** ERROR: You are not authorized to query the status for this " << "#{PROGRAM_NAME} instance. Please try again with '#{PhusionPassenger::PlatformInfo.ruby_sudo_command}'." end def format_with_xmllint(xml) return nil if !PhusionPassenger::PlatformInfo.find_command('xmllint') require 'open3' require 'thread' ENV['XMLLINT_INDENT'] = ' ' Open3.popen3("xmllint", "--format", "-") do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdout_text = nil stderr_text = nil thread1 = Thread.new do stdin.write(xml) stdin.close end thread2 = Thread.new do stdout_text = stdout.read stdout.close end thread3 = Thread.new do stderr_text = stderr.read stderr.close end thread1.join thread2.join thread3.join if stdout_text.nil? || stdout_text.empty? if stderr_text !~ /No such file or directory/ && stderr_text !~ /command not found/ STDERR.puts stderr_text end return nil else return stdout_text end end end ##### Main command dispatcher ##### def create_option_parser(options) return OptionParser.new do |opts| nl = "\n" << " " * 37 opts.banner = "Usage: passenger-status [options] [instance name]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Tool for inspecting Phusion Passenger's internal status." opts.separator "" opts.separator "Options:" opts.on("--show=pool|server|backtraces|xml|json|union_station", String, "Whether to show the pool's contents,#{nl}" << "the currently running requests,#{nl}" << "the backtraces of all threads or an XML#{nl}" << "or JSON description of the pool.") do |what| if what !~ /\A(pool|server|requests|backtraces|xml|json|union_station)\Z/ STDERR.puts "Invalid argument for --show." exit 1 else options[:show] = what end end opts.on("--no-header", "Do not display an informative header#{nl}" << "containing the timestamp, version number,#{nl}" << "etc.") do options[:noheader] = true end opts.on("--force-colors", "Display colors even if stdout is not a TTY") do options[:color] = true end opts.on("--pid-identifier", "Identify instance by [Watchdog] PID, rather than name.") do options[:pid_identifier] = true end opts.on("--verbose", "-v", "Show verbose information.") do options[:verbose] = true end end end def parse_argv options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup parser = create_option_parser(options) begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => e puts e puts puts "Please see '--help' for valid options." exit 1 end return options end def infer_command if !ARGV[0] || ARGV[0] !~ /^-/ return [:show_status, ARGV.dup] else command_name, *argv = ARGV if respond_to?("command_#{command_name}") return [command_name, argv] else abort "ERROR: unrecognized command '#{command_name}'" end end end def start options = parse_argv command, argv = infer_command send("command_#{command}", argv, options) end start