‰PNG  IHDR @ @ ªiqÞ pHYs   šœ —tEXtComment # encoding: utf-8 # Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. # # "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered # trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. LOCATIONS_INI = ENV['LOCATIONS_INI'] abort "Please set the LOCATIONS_INI environment variable to the right locations.ini" if !LOCATIONS_INI PACKAGING_METHOD = ENV['NATIVE_PACKAGING_METHOD'] || ENV['PACKAGING_METHOD'] if !["deb", "rpm", "homebrew"].include?(PACKAGING_METHOD) abort "Please set PACKAGING_METHOD to either 'deb', 'rpm' or 'homebrew'" end # Clean Bundler environment variables. We don't want to start Passenger Standalone # with Bundler. if defined?(Bundler) clean_env = nil Bundler.with_clean_env do clean_env = ENV.to_hash end ENV.replace(clean_env) end source_root = File.expand_path("../..", File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{source_root}/src/ruby_supportlib") require 'phusion_passenger' PhusionPassenger.locate_directories PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'constants' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info/operating_system' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'config/validate_install_command' require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'open-uri' require 'pathname' # Ensure that the natively installed tools are in PATH. ENV['PATH'] = "#{ENV['PATH']}:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" # Force Rake to redirect stderr to stdout so that we can capture all output. ENV['STDERR_TO_STDOUT'] = '1' module PhusionPassenger case PACKAGING_METHOD when "deb" BINDIR = "/usr/bin" SBINDIR = "/usr/sbin" INCLUDEDIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/include" NGINX_ADDON_DIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/ngx_http_passenger_module" DOCDIR = "/usr/share/doc/passenger" HELPER_SCRIPTS_DIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/helper-scripts" RUBY_EXTENSION_SOURCE_DIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/ruby_extension_source" SUPPORT_BINARIES_DIR = "/usr/lib/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/support-binaries" APACHE2_MODULE_PATH = "/usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_passenger.so" SUPPORTS_COMPILING_APACHE_MODULE = false if File.exist?("/usr/bin/apxs") APXS2 = "/usr/bin/apxs" else APXS2 = "/usr/bin/apxs2" end APACHE2 = "/usr/sbin/apache2" APACHE2CTL = "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl" APACHE_CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" APACHE_ERROR_LOG = "/var/log/apache2/error.log" when "rpm" File.read("/etc/redhat-release") =~ /release ([0-9]+)/ redhat_major_release = $1.to_i BINDIR = "/usr/bin" SBINDIR = "/usr/sbin" INCLUDEDIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/include" NGINX_ADDON_DIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/ngx_http_passenger_module" DOCDIR = "/usr/share/doc/passenger" HELPER_SCRIPTS_DIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/helper-scripts" RUBY_EXTENSION_SOURCE_DIR = "/usr/share/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/ruby_extension_source" SUPPORT_BINARIES_DIR = "/usr/lib64/#{GLOBAL_NAMESPACE_DIRNAME}/support-binaries" APACHE2_MODULE_PATH = "/usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_passenger.so" SUPPORTS_COMPILING_APACHE_MODULE = false if redhat_major_release >= 7 APXS2 = "/usr/bin/apxs" else APXS2 = "/usr/sbin/apxs" end APACHE2 = "/usr/sbin/httpd" APACHE2CTL = "/usr/sbin/apachectl" APACHE_CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" APACHE_ERROR_LOG = "/etc/httpd/logs/error_log" when "homebrew" # Ensure that the Homebrew-installed Phusion Passenger is the first in PATH. brew_prefix = `env -P /usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin brew --prefix` ENV['PATH'] = "#{brew_prefix}/bin:#{ENV['PATH']}" root = "#{brew_prefix}/Cellar/passenger/#{VERSION_STRING}/libexec" BINDIR = "#{root}/bin" SBINDIR = BINDIR INCLUDEDIR = "#{root}/src" NGINX_ADDON_DIR = "#{root}/src/nginx_module" DOCDIR = "#{root}/doc" HELPER_SCRIPTS_DIR = "#{root}/src/helper-scripts" RUBY_EXTENSION_SOURCE_DIR = "#{root}/src/ruby_native_extension" SUPPORT_BINARIES_DIR = "#{root}/buildout/support-binaries" APACHE2_MODULE_PATH = "#{root}/buildout/apache2/mod_passenger.so" SUPPORTS_COMPILING_APACHE_MODULE = true if PhusionPassenger::PlatformInfo.os_version >= '10.13' APXS2 = nil else APXS2 = "/usr/sbin/apxs" end APACHE2 = "/usr/sbin/httpd" APACHE2CTL = "/usr/sbin/apachectl" APACHE_CONFIG_FILE = "/private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" APACHE_ERROR_LOG = "/private/var/log/apache2/error_log" end describe "A natively packaged Phusion Passenger" do def capture_output(command) output = `#{command}`.strip if output.respond_to?(:force_encoding) output.force_encoding('utf-8') end if $?.exitstatus == 0 return output else filename = `mktemp /tmp/output.XXXXXX`.strip File.open(filename, "w:utf-8") do |f| f.write(output) end STDERR.puts "Command #{command} exited with status #{$?.exitstatus}. Output written to #{filename}" if ENV['PRINT_FAILED_COMMAND_OUTPUT'] STDERR.puts output end abort end end def which(command) return capture_output("which #{command}") end def realpath(path) Pathname.new(path).realpath.to_s end def sh(*command) if !system(*command) abort "Command failed: #{command.join(' ')}" end end def install_apache2_module orig_mtime = File.stat(APACHE2_MODULE_PATH).mtime output = capture_output("passenger-install-apache2-module --auto 2>&1") output.should include("Almost there!") output.should include("LoadModule passenger_module #{APACHE2_MODULE_PATH}\n") output.should include("PassengerRoot #{LOCATIONS_INI}\n") File.stat(APACHE2_MODULE_PATH).mtime.should_not == orig_mtime end def install_nginx_module Dir.mktmpdir do |path| output = capture_output("passenger-install-nginx-module --auto --prefix=#{path} --auto-download 2>&1") output.should include("passenger_root #{LOCATIONS_INI};") File.exist?("#{path}/sbin/nginx").should be_truthy end end specify "locations.ini only refers to existent filesystem locations" do File.read(LOCATIONS_INI).split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /=/ name, filename = line.split('=', 2) if filename =~ /^\// && !File.exist?(filename) raise "#{filename} does not exist" end end end end specify "locations.ini sets packaging_method to #{PACKAGING_METHOD}" do File.read(LOCATIONS_INI).should =~ /^packaging_method=#{PACKAGING_METHOD}$/ end specify "passenger-status is in #{SBINDIR}" do realpath(which("passenger-status")).should == "#{SBINDIR}/passenger-status" end specify "the Nginx runtime library headers exist" do File.directory?(INCLUDEDIR).should be_truthy Dir["#{INCLUDEDIR}/cxx_supportlib/*.h"].should_not be_empty end specify "the Nginx addon directory exists" do File.directory?(NGINX_ADDON_DIR).should be_truthy File.file?("#{NGINX_ADDON_DIR}/ngx_http_passenger_module.c") end specify "the helper-scripts directory exists" do File.directory?(HELPER_SCRIPTS_DIR).should be_truthy File.file?("#{HELPER_SCRIPTS_DIR}/rack-loader.rb").should be_truthy end specify "the Ruby extension source directory exists" do File.directory?(RUBY_EXTENSION_SOURCE_DIR).should be_truthy File.file?("#{RUBY_EXTENSION_SOURCE_DIR}/extconf.rb").should be_truthy end specify "the support-binaries directory exists" do File.directory?(SUPPORT_BINARIES_DIR).should be_truthy File.file?("#{SUPPORT_BINARIES_DIR}/#{AGENT_EXE}").should be_truthy File.executable?("#{SUPPORT_BINARIES_DIR}/#{AGENT_EXE}").should be_truthy end specify "the Apache 2 module exists" do File.file?(APACHE2_MODULE_PATH).should be_truthy end describe "passenger-config" do it "passenger-config is in #{BINDIR}" do realpath(which("passenger-config")).should == "#{BINDIR}/passenger-config" end it "shows the path to locations.ini" do capture_output("passenger-config --root").should == LOCATIONS_INI end it "recognizes the runtime libraries as compiled" do system("passenger-config --compiled").should be_truthy end it "recognizes the install as custom packaged" do system("passenger-config --custom-packaged").should be_truthy end it "recognizes the install as coming from an official package" do system("passenger-config --installed-from-release-package").should be_truthy end it "recognizes the system's Apache" do output = capture_output("passenger-config --detect-apache2") output.gsub!(/.*Final autodetection results\n/m, '') output.scan(/\* Found Apache .*\!/).size.should eq(1), "Output didn't contain 'Found Apache', was:\n\n#{output}\n\n" if APXS2 output.should include("apxs2 : #{APXS2}\n") else output.should include("apxs2 : N/A\n") end output.should include("Main executable: #{APACHE2}\n") output.should include("Control command: #{APACHE2CTL}\n") output.should include("Config file : #{APACHE_CONFIG_FILE}\n") output.should include("Error log file : #{APACHE_ERROR_LOG}\n") output.should include(%Q{ To start, stop or restart this specific Apache version: #{APACHE2CTL} start #{APACHE2CTL} stop #{APACHE2CTL} restart}) output.should include(%Q{ To troubleshoot, please read the logs in this file: #{APACHE_ERROR_LOG}}) end it "shows the directory to the runtime library headers" do capture_output("passenger-config --includedir").should == INCLUDEDIR end it "shows the directory to the Nginx addon" do capture_output("passenger-config --nginx-addon-dir").should == NGINX_ADDON_DIR end it "shows the Nginx runtime libraries" do libs = capture_output("passenger-config --nginx-libs").split(" ") libs.should_not be_empty libs.each do |lib| File.file?(lib).should be_truthy end end it "validates the install as working" do system("passenger-config validate-install --auto >/dev/null 2>/dev/null") [0, Config::ValidateInstallCommand::WARN_EXIT_CODE].should include($?.exitstatus) end end describe "passenger-memory-stats" do it "is in #{SBINDIR}" do realpath(which("passenger-memory-stats")).should == "#{SBINDIR}/passenger-memory-stats" end it "works" do capture_output("passenger-memory-stats").should =~ /Passenger processes/ end end describe "passenger-install-apache2-module" do it "is in #{BINDIR}" do realpath(which("passenger-install-apache2-module")).should == "#{BINDIR}/passenger-install-apache2-module" end if SUPPORTS_COMPILING_APACHE_MODULE it "is able to compile the Apache module and doesn't break passenger-install-nginx-module" do install_apache2_module install_nginx_module end else it "checks whether the Apache module is installed" do output = capture_output("passenger-install-apache2-module --auto 2>&1") output.should =~ /Apache module is correctly installed/ end end end describe "passenger-install-nginx-module" do it "is in #{BINDIR}" do realpath(which("passenger-install-nginx-module")).should == "#{BINDIR}/passenger-install-nginx-module" end if SUPPORTS_COMPILING_APACHE_MODULE it "is able to compile Nginx and doesn't break passenger-install-apache2-module" do install_nginx_module install_apache2_module end else it "is able to compile Nginx" do install_nginx_module end end end describe "Passenger Standalone" do it "is in #{BINDIR}" do realpath(which("passenger")).should == "#{BINDIR}/passenger" end it "works" do Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| File.chmod(0755, dir) Dir.chdir(dir) do File.open("config.ru", "w") do |f| f.write(%Q{ app = lambda do |env| [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["ok"]] end run app }) end Dir.mkdir("public") Dir.mkdir("tmp") sh("passenger start --no-install-runtime --port 4000 --daemonize >/dev/null") begin if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.5' URI.open("") do |f| f.read.should == "ok" end else open("") do |f| f.read.should == "ok" end end ensure sh("passenger stop -p 4000") end end end end end end end # module PhusionPassenger