‰PNG  IHDR @ @ ªiqÞ pHYs   šœ —tEXtComment # Clean Bundler environment variables. Otherwise we can't test against multiple Rails versions. if defined?(Bundler) clean_env = nil Bundler.with_clean_env do clean_env = ENV.to_hash end ENV.replace(clean_env) end require 'fileutils' require 'resolv' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'rspec/collection_matchers' require 'support/multipart' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'constants' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'debug_logging' PhusionPassenger.require_passenger_lib 'platform_info/ruby' # Module containing helper methods, to be included in unit tests. module TestHelper ######## Stub helpers ######## class Stub attr_reader :app_root attr_reader :full_app_root def self.use(name, app_root = nil) stub = new(name, app_root) begin yield stub ensure stub.destroy end end def initialize(name, app_root = nil) @name = name if !File.exist?(stub_source_dir) raise Errno::ENOENT, "Stub '#{name}' not found." end if app_root @app_root = app_root @full_app_root = File.expand_path(app_root) remove_dir_tree(@full_app_root) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@full_app_root) else identifier = name.gsub('/', '-') @app_root = Dir.mktmpdir(identifier, '/tmp') @full_app_root = @app_root # The tmp dir may have the sticky bit, resulting # in subdirectories to be automatically owned by # the root group. That will mess up various # permission tests, so we chown explicitly here. File.chown(Process.uid, Process.gid, @app_root) end copy_stub_contents system("chmod", "-R", "a+rw", @full_app_root) system("chmod", "a+x", @full_app_root) end def reset # Empty directory without removing the directory itself, # allowing processes with this directory as current working # directory to continue to function properly. files = Dir["#{@full_app_root}/*"] files |= Dir["#{@full_app_root}/.*"] files.delete("#{@full_app_root}/.") files.delete("#{@full_app_root}/..") FileUtils.chmod_R(0777, files) FileUtils.rm_rf(files) copy_stub_contents system("chmod", "-R", "a+rw", @full_app_root) end def move(new_app_root) File.rename(@full_app_root, new_app_root) @app_root = new_app_root @full_app_root = File.expand_path(new_app_root) end def destroy remove_dir_tree(@full_app_root) end def full_app_root File.expand_path(@app_root) end def public_file(name) return File.binread("#{@full_app_root}/public/#{name}") end private def stub_source_dir return "stub/#{@name}" end def copy_stub_contents FileUtils.cp_r("#{stub_source_dir}/.", @full_app_root) end end class RackStub < Stub def startup_file return "#{@full_app_root}/config.ru" end private def copy_stub_contents super if PhusionPassenger.build_system_dir build_system_dir = PhusionPassenger.build_system_dir if !File.exist?("#{@full_app_root}/Gemfile") FileUtils.cp("#{build_system_dir}/Gemfile", @full_app_root) FileUtils.cp("#{build_system_dir}/Gemfile.lock", @full_app_root) if File.exist?("#{build_system_dir}/.bundle") FileUtils.cp_r("#{build_system_dir}/.bundle", @full_app_root) end end end end end class PythonStub < Stub def startup_file return "#{@full_app_root}/passenger_wsgi.py" end end class NodejsStub < Stub def startup_file return "#{@full_app_root}/app.js" end def copy_stub_contents super if !ENV['PASSENGER_TEST_NODE_MODULES_DIR'].to_s.empty? FileUtils.ln_s(ENV['PASSENGER_TEST_NODE_MODULES_DIR'], "#{@full_app_root}/node_modules") elsif PhusionPassenger.build_system_dir FileUtils.ln_s("#{PhusionPassenger.build_system_dir}/node_modules", "#{@full_app_root}/node_modules") end end end ######## HTTP helpers ######## # Before using these methods, one must set the '@server' instance variable # and implement the start_web_server_if_necessary method. def get(uri) if @server.nil? raise "You must set the '@server' instance variable before get() can be used. For example, @server = 'http://mydomain.test/'" end start_web_server_if_necessary return Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("#{@server}#{uri}")) end def get_response(uri) if @server.nil? raise "You must set the '@server' instance variable before get() can be used. For example, @server = 'http://mydomain.test/'" end start_web_server_if_necessary return Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse("#{@server}#{uri}")) end def post(uri, params = {}) if @server.nil? raise "You must set the '@server' instance variable before get() can be used. For example, @server = 'http://mydomain.test/'" end start_web_server_if_necessary url = URI.parse("#{@server}#{uri}") if params.values.any? { |x| x.respond_to?(:read) } mp = Multipart::MultipartPost.new query, headers = mp.prepare_query(params) Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) do |http| return http.post(url.path, query, headers).body end else return Net::HTTP.post_form(url, params).body end end def check_hosts_configuration begin ok = Resolv.getaddress("passenger.test") == "" ok = ok && Resolv.getaddress("1.passenger.test") == "" rescue Resolv::ResolvError, ArgumentError # There's a bug in Ruby 1.8.6-p287's resolv.rb library, which causes # an ArgumentError to be raised instead of ResolvError when resolving # failed. ok = false end if !ok message = "To run the integration test, you must update " << "your hosts file.\n" << "Please add these to your /etc/hosts:\n\n" << " passenger.test\n" << " 1.passenger.test 2.passenger.test 3.passenger.test\n" << " 4.passenger.test 5.passenger.test 6.passenger.test\n" << " 7.passenger.test 8.passenger.test 9.passenger.test\n" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ message << "\n\nThen run:\n\n" << " dscacheutil -flushcache" end STDERR.puts "---------------------------" STDERR.puts message exit! end end ######## Other helpers ######## def when_user_switching_possible if Process.euid == 0 yield end end alias when_running_as_root when_user_switching_possible def when_not_running_as_root if Process.euid != 0 yield end end def eventually(deadline_duration = 2, check_interval = 0.05) deadline = Time.now + deadline_duration while Time.now < deadline if yield return else sleep(check_interval) end end raise "Time limit exceeded" end def should_never_happen(deadline_duration = 1, check_interval = 0.05) deadline = Time.now + deadline_duration while Time.now < deadline if yield raise "That which shouldn't happen happened anyway" else sleep(check_interval) end end end def remove_dir_tree(dir) # FileUtils.chmod_R is susceptible to race conditions: # if another thread/process deletes a file just before # chmod_R has chmodded it, then chmod_R will raise an error. # Keep trying until a real error has been reached or until # chmod_R is done. done = false while !done begin FileUtils.chmod_R(0777, dir) done = true rescue Errno::ENOENT done = !File.exist?(dir) end end FileUtils.rm_rf(dir) end def spawn_process(*args) args.map! do |arg| arg.to_s end if Process.respond_to?(:spawn) return Process.spawn(*args) else return fork do exec(*args) end end end # Run a script in a Ruby subprocess. *args are program arguments to # pass to the script. Returns the script's stdout output. def run_script(code, *args) stdin_child, stdin_parent = IO.pipe stdout_parent, stdout_child = IO.pipe program_args = [PhusionPassenger::PlatformInfo.ruby_command, "-e", "eval(STDIN.read, binding, '(script)', 0)", PhusionPassenger::LIBDIR, *args] if Process.respond_to?(:spawn) program_args << { STDIN => stdin_child, STDOUT => stdout_child, STDERR => STDERR, :close_others => true } pid = Process.spawn(*program_args) else pid = fork do stdin_parent.close stdout_parent.close STDIN.reopen(stdin_child) STDOUT.reopen(stdout_child) stdin_child.close stdout_child.close exec(*program_args) end end stdin_child.close stdout_child.close stdin_parent.write( %Q[require(ARGV.shift + "/phusion_passenger") #{code}]) stdin_parent.close result = stdout_parent.read stdout_parent.close Process.waitpid(pid) return result rescue Exception Process.kill('SIGKILL', pid) if pid raise ensure [stdin_child, stdout_child, stdin_parent, stdout_parent].each do |io| io.close if io && !io.closed? end begin Process.waitpid(pid) if pid rescue Errno::ECHILD, Errno::ESRCH end end def inspect_server(name) instance = PhusionPassenger::AdminTools::ServerInstance.list.first if name instance.connect(:passenger_status) do return instance.send(name) end else return instance end end if "".respond_to?(:force_encoding) def binary_string(str) return str.force_encoding("binary") end else def binary_string(str) return str end end end File.class_eval do def self.prepend(filename, data) original_content = File.read(filename) File.open(filename, 'w') do |f| f.write(data) f.write(original_content) end end def self.append(filename, data) File.open(filename, 'a') do |f| f.write(data) end end def self.write(filename, content = nil) if block_given? content = yield File.read(filename) end File.open(filename, 'w') do |f| f.write(content) end end def self.touch(filename, timestamp = nil) File.open(filename, 'w').close File.utime(timestamp, timestamp, filename) if timestamp end def self.binread(filename) return File.read(filename) end if !respond_to?(:binread) end