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Number of opt-in databases does not match empty database array. !select_from_official_databases: Invalid arguments. Number of opt-out databases does not match empty database array. !Failed to get lists of official standard and optional databases. *Opting out of standard database: %s *Selecting standard database: %s !Failed to add standard database %s to list of selected databases. ^Desired optional database "%s" is not available. *Selecting optional database: %s !Failed to add optional database %s to list of selected databases. !Requested database is not available: %s. !perform_database_update: Invalid arguments. !perform_database_update: No databases requested. ClamAV update process started at %s!Can't create temporary directory %s Hint: The database directory must be writable for UID %d or GID %d !Database update process failed: %s *Database update completed successfully. !executeIfNewVersion: OnOutdatedExecute: Incorrect version number string !executeIfNewVersion: Can't allocate memory for modifiedCommand !Can't parse command line options Clam AntiVirus: Database Updater %s By The ClamAV Team: https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits (C) 2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. --help -h Show this help --version -V Print version number and exit --verbose -v Be verbose --debug Enable debug messages --quiet Only output error messages --no-warnings Don't print and log warnings --stdout Write to stdout instead of stderr. Does not affect 'debug' messages. --show-progress Show download progress percentage --config-file=FILE Read configuration from FILE. --log=FILE -l FILE Log into FILE --daemon -d Run in daemon mode --pid=FILE -p FILE Save daemon's pid in FILE --foreground -F Don't fork into background (for use in daemon mode). --user=USER -u USER Run as USER --no-dns Force old non-DNS verification method --checks=#n -c #n Number of checks per day, 1 <= n <= 50 --datadir=DIRECTORY Download new databases into DIRECTORY --daemon-notify[=/path/clamd.conf] Send RELOAD command to clamd --local-address=IP -a IP Bind to IP for HTTP downloads --on-update-execute=COMMAND Execute COMMAND after successful update. Use EXIT_1 to return 1 after successful database update. --on-error-execute=COMMAND Execute COMMAND if errors occurred --on-outdated-execute=COMMAND Execute COMMAND when software is outdated --update-db=DBNAME Only update database DBNAMEERROR: Can't open/parse the config file %s ^Deprecated option --list-mirrors. Individual mirrors are no longer tracked, as official signature distribution is now done through the CloudFlare CDN. !The PrivateMirror config option may not include servers under *.clamav.net. !get_server_node: Invalid args! !get_database_server_list: Failed to read PrivateMirror server %s!get_database_server_list: Failed to add string to list. !No DatabaseMirror or PrivateMirror servers set in freshclam config file. !get_database_server_list: Failed to parse DatabaseMirror server %s.!Error when attempting to read ExtraDatabase entries. !Failed to select specific databases from available official databases. !Error when attempting to read ExcludeDatabase entries. !--update-db=custom requires at least one DatabaseCustomURL in freshclam.conf !Failed to add bytecode to list of opt-out databases. !Failed to select databases from list of official databases. Creating missing database directory: %s !Failed to create database directory: %s Manually prepare the database directory, or re-run freshclam with higher privileges. ERROR: Failed to get information about user "%s". Create the "%s" user account for freshclam to use, or set the DatabaseOwner config option in freshclam.conf to a different user. For more information, see https://docs.clamav.net/manual/Installing/Installing-from-source-Unix.html An unexpected error occurred when attempting to query the "%s" user account. !Failed to change database directory ownership to user %s. Error: %s Assigned ownership of database directory to user "%s". !Failed to switch to %s user. !initialize: Can't initialize libclamav: %s ^Can't stat %s (critical error) ^Insecure permissions (for HTTPProxyPassword): %s must have no more than 0700 permissions. HTTPProxyUsername requires HTTPProxyPassword In an effort to reduce CDN data costs, HTTPUserAgent may not be used when updating from clamav.net. The HTTPUserAgent specified in your config will be ignored so that FreshClam is not blocked by the CDN. If ClamAV's user agent is not allowed through your firewall/proxy, please contact your network administrator. !initialize: libfreshclam init failed. ^Number of checks must be a positive integer. ^Number of checks must be between 1 and 50. !Can't save PID to file %s: %s !Can't change ownership of PID file %s '%s' ^Can't get information about user %s. ERROR: Can't get information about user %s. ERROR: lchown to user '%s' failed on freshclam.dat ^lchown to user '%s' failed on freshclam.dat. Error was '%s' #freshclam daemon %s (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: x86_64, CPU: x86_64) ^FreshClam was forbidden from downloading a database. ^This is fatal. Retrying later won't help. Exiting now. #-------------------------------------- Received signal: re-opening log file !Unable to find DatabaseMirror or PrivateMirror option(s) that specify database server FQDNs. xmxHlocalhostLocalSocketTCPSocket%uTCPAddrRELOADRELOADING!%s: Can't find or parse configuration file %s ^Clamd was NOT notified: Can't create socket endpoint for %s: %s ^Clamd was NOT notified: Can't connect to clamd through %s: %s !%s: Can't resolve hostname %s (%s) !%s: Can't create TCP socket to connect to %s: %s !%s: Can't connect to clamd on %s:%s: %s !%s: No communication socket specified in %s !NotifyClamd: Could not write to clamd socket: %s !NotifyClamd: Unknown answer from clamd: '%s' Clamd successfully notified about the update. EXIT_%d*%s: EXIT_%d %s: system(%s) failed ^%s: couldn't execute "%s". ^%s::fork() failed, %s. ^%s: already %d processes active. ; k н8P`P@@h`Xp@XzRx *zRx $ FJ w?;*3$"Dh>\!<tBBA A(Jk (A ABBG 4UBGA t AEL AABL0BEB A(A0Q (A BBBE T (A BBBE D<8BGE D(A0Q@A 0A(A BBBC $DE G P H P H <0BBA A(G0d (C ABBA LBBB E(D0D8Gp 8A0A(B BBBH L< BBB B(A0A8D2 8A0A(B BBBF LBBE B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBD LBBB E(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBH L,КBBB B(D0D8GP 8A0A(B BBBA L| BRB E(F0A8G 8A0A(B BBBG ,AMD@ AAK 4DBDA G0L  AABB D4eBEE E(H0H8M@l8A0A(B BBB|@P@ bl @ ]  o`   ،  oooo:o v&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv  & 6 F V f v !!&!6!F!V!f!v!!!!!!!!!""freshclam.debugɡ7zXZִF!t/7/]?Eh=ڊ2N Frة"@R)Yx-ԬAÔDylVO,1()țUgzsNӸwկY;h6w994@I\VW|\!L*3%P.{#qJ9|,I4Emfr vFe&WNSrұ}i,9Lx >̥~9hv;<&,C7{= ^W/Ro)RSB.8HKV70# YT߶ľz-L6 lY ;/5dbTx -Ǫrl"IQI9n[/)Eu3#PWr "VB T%fzٴ JՏY3HΔVR aKƤ\D.zY \? Eu\G(NB@rd"gq74n,nw* 1.dVY߳g5W6,B @H\~D?T®U+9<;\%K:G˛@.vmbNe gw L59·'&yEy:=- sZAx2cөĺ}^t'k& \Zqod6,\nhr*)$j$1Ԡ1̤2h"=}t]W7BP^:T y5ahk  F` ` No::[ojtB~@@y`` " "b;]] ]]%@@     0، ،(  0   p