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Hx LH81Q1eD'H H=IHH> H= JHH_H> H81qIMHH[> IMH H819SH0> H= H_)8YIH= H G HH81ҟ胣8IH= H G HH81蕟F8ߡIH}= HLH81\v 8覡IHD= HMH)H81" 0tmp != ((void *)0)%s/%sremoving journalsgoodbyestatus == (!(0))flushing old valuesrotating journalsci->next == ((void *)0)ci->prev == ((void *)0)(char *) key == ci->filesock != ((void *)0)add_to_wbuf: realloc failed%d Syntax error. Usage: %sReceived FLUSHALLStarted flush. BATCHUnknown command: %s QUITHELPi < 32Can't use '%s' here. Permission denied. stat errorunknown errornot a regular filenot owned by daemon userchecking for journal filesrrd.journal.oldrrd.journal.0000rrd.journal.0001journal_replay: %s : %s (%s)replaying from journal: %sjournal processing completeCommand overview Help for %s Usage: %s in queue. %d %s updates pending QueueLength: %lu UpdatesReceived: %lu FlushesReceived: %lu UpdatesWritten: %lu DataSetsWritten: %lu TreeNodesNumber: %lu TreeDepth: %lu JournalBytes: %lu JournalRotate: %lu Statistics follow sock->batch_starterrors Already in BATCH file != ((void *)0)../forgetGone! Successfully flushed %s. Nothing to flush: %s. No such file: %s. No such file: %s stat failed with error %i. Not a regular file: %s Cannot read/write %s: %s updateNo values updated. 42217unix:read_options: malloc failed. , Invalid flush interval: %s Invalid write interval: %s Invalid write jitter: -z %s Invalid thread count: -t %s read_options: strdup failed. 1.4.8gl:s:m:P:f:w:z:t:Bb:p:Fj:h?Invalid base directory: %s ci->values != ((void *)0)ci->values_num > 0wrote/tmpcreateopenunix:/tmp/rrdcached.sockdaemonize: fork(2) failed. /dev/nullfaild to run dup. rrdcachedstarting updaemonize: g_tree_new failed.w%i listening for connectionsstarting shutdownUPDATEWROTEFLUSHFLUSH FLUSHALL PENDINGPENDING FORGETFORGET QUEUEQUEUE STATSSTATS HELP [] QUIT Disconnect from rrdcached. buffer[buffer_size - 1] == '\0'Failed to create pidfile directory '%s': %s rrdcached: can't %s pid file '%s' (%s) JOURNALING DISABLED: Error while trying to create %s : %sJOURNALING DISABLED: All values will be flushed at shutdownfilename != ((void *)0) && *filename != ((void *)0)cache_queue_head == ((void *)0)clean shutdown; all RRDs flushedexpedited shutdown; journals will be used at next startupjournal_rotate: malloc(journal_set) failed flush_thread_main: pthread_cond_timedwait returned %i.tree_callback_flush: rrd_add_ptrs failed.send_response: could not write status messagesend_response: could not write resultshandle_request: Unable parse command.must not be user/group writablejournal_init: opendir(%s) failed journal_init: cannot add journal file %s!journal_replay: cannot open journal file: '%s' (%s)Malformed journal entry at line %luReplayed %d entries (%d failures)connection_thread_main: cannot malloc read bufferconnection_thread_main: poll(2) failed.connection_thread_main: poll(2) returned something unexpected: %#04hxconnection_thread_main: read() failed.add_response_info: vnsprintf failedGo ahead. End with dot '.' on its own line. handle_request_update: stat (%s) failed.handle_request_update: malloc failed.handle_request_update: strdup failed.handle_request_update: Error reading field.Cannot find timestamp in '%s'! illegal attempt to update using time %lf when last update time is %lf (minimum one second step) handle_request_update: rrd_add_strdup failed.errors, enqueued %i value(s). rrdcached: Malformed address: %s rrdcached: Garbage after address: %s rrdcached: getaddrinfo(%s) failed: %s rrdcached: open_listen_socket_network: realloc failed. rrdcached: network socket(2) failed: %s. rrdcached: bind(%s) failed: %s. rrdcached: listen(%s) failed: %s .Failed to create socket directory '%s': %s rrdcached: open_listen_socket_unix: realloc failed. rrdcached: unix socket(2) failed: %s rrdcached: failed to set socket group permissions (%s) rrdcached: failed to set socket file permissions (%o): %s rrdcached: listen(%s) failed: %s. read_options: rrd_add_ptr failed. read_options: couldn't map "%s" to a group, Sorry read_options: Invalid file mode "%s". Failed to create base directory '%s': %s Failed to canonicalize the base directory '%s': %s Base directory (-b) resolved via file system links! Please consult rrdcached '-b' documentation! Consider specifying the real directory (%s) Failed to canonicalize the journal directory '%s': %s Failed to create journal directory '%s': %s Must specify a writable directory with -j! (%s) RRDCacheD %s Copyright (C) 2008,2009 Florian octo Forster and Kevin Brintnall Usage: rrdcached [options] Valid options are: -l
Socket address to listen to. Default: unix:/tmp/rrdcached.sock -P Sets the permissions to assign to all following sockets -w Interval in which to write data. -z Delay writes up to seconds to spread load -t Number of write threads. -f Interval in which to flush dead data. -p Location of the PID-file. -b Base directory to change to. -B Restrict file access to paths within -b -g Do not fork and run in the foreground. -j Directory in which to create the journal files. -F Always flush all updates at shutdown -s Group owner of all following UNIX sockets (the socket will also have read/write permissions for that group) -m File permissions (octal) of all following UNIX sockets For more information and a detailed description of all options please refer to the rrdcached(1) manual page. WARNING: flush interval (-f) should be at least 2x write interval (-w) ! WARNING: write delay (-z) should NOT be larger than write interval (-w) ! WARNING: -B does not make sense without -b! Consult the rrdcached documentation read_options: Adding permission "%s" to socket failed. Most likely, this permission doesn't exist. Check your command line. queue_thread_main: pthread_cond_wait returned %i.queue_thread_main: strdup failed.queue_thread_main: rrd_update_r (%s) failed with status %i. (%s)FATAL: Another rrdcached daemon is running?? (pid %d) FATAL: Faild to truncate stale PID file. (pid %d) rrdcached: removed stale PID file (no rrdcached on pid %d) rrdcached: starting normally. rrdcached: FATAL: cannot open any listen sockets daemonize: chdir (%s) failed. write_pidfile: fdopen() failed.rrdcached: daemonize failed, exiting. FATAL: cannot calloc queue threadsFATAL: cannot create queue threadFATAL: cannot create flush threadlisten_thread_main: no listen_fds !listen_thread_main: malloc failed.listen_thread_main: poll(2) failed.listen_thread_main: poll(2) returned something unexpected for listen FD #%i.listen_thread_main: accept(2) failed.listen_thread_main: pthread_create failed.UPDATE [ ...] Adds the given file to the internal cache if it is not yet known and appends the given value(s) to the entry. See the rrdcached(1) manpage for details. Each has the following form: =